Thank you to all the artists worldwide painting & sharing stories in honor of Richard Schmid!


Oct 3, 2021 - Artists painting “Portraits” in honor of Richard.
To watch the recorded video, click here. (Starts at 31:20).







Oct 3, 2021 - Artists painting “Still Lives” in honor of Richard. To watch the recorded video, click here. (Starts at 4:27:50).









Pramod Kurlekar from India was invited to paint live by Zoom with the other artists worldwide to "Celebrate Richard Schmid" together on October 3, 2021. He was unable to participate. He kindly made this tribute and painting demonstration in honor of Richard Schmid for all of us to enjoy.

For more information on Pramod, click: Pramod Kurlekar

24 Hour Worldwide PAINT-A-THON &
your Tributes to RICHARD SCHMID

Please email us if we missed your country at:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Canary Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Faeroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Holland, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peoples Rep of China, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Republic of Ireland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sri Lanka, St. Lucia, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Wales, Zimbabwe


I was fortunate that my father introduced me to the Work of Richard Schmid in 1987, when I was a young artist. I was amazed and inspired immediately and his work has never lost its ability to impress me. When we look and marvel at the work of the master impressionist painters in the golden era of the late 19th and early 20th century. We tend to put them on a pedestal and rightfully so. I’d like to go on the record to say that I believe that Richard’s work technically and artistically has surpassed them. His brushwork, edges and treatment of paint in my mind puts him ahead of anyone who has come before him. 

Even though I longed for the opportunity to spend some time with Richard, I thought the chance may never come, thankfully the stars aligned and a small window of opportunity opened for me. To this day I think back to that in September and my admiration has only grown, because in this case the man himself is even greater than his art. 

Warmest regards, Colley Whisson 


Art is an expression of the mind/heart of the artist. For the artist it means developing sensitivity and skill to one's experience: seeing the beauty in personal experience is a choice we can make and through development of the skill of painting we can share that beauty with others. It is an adornment for the heart and mind of the artist in the development of that skill and for the viewer in the act of appreciation. Richard's art shows us what is possible not only in terms of skill but also in terms of beauty and generosity of spirit.
Best wishes, Alex


    Hello Nancy, Thank you for the opportunity to celebrate Richard's art with you and everyone around the world. Attached are some pictures of the painting I did during the 24 hour paint-a-thon. After the few words I said yesterday about what Richard's art meant to me I had some further thoughts about what this pursuit of artistic excellence means to me and which to me Richard work embodies so magnificently. 

    Art is an expression of the mind/heart of the artist. For the artist it means developing sensitivity and skill to one's experience: seeing the beauty in personal experience is a choice we can make and through development of the skill of painting we can share that beauty with others. It is an adornment for the heart and mind of the artist in the development of that skill and for the viewer in the act of appreciation. Richard's art shows us what is possible not only in terms of skill but also in terms of beauty and generosity of spirit.

    Best wishes, Alex



Dear Nancy, Kristen, Symi, Joe and you all that made this a gift to humankind, our world is a better place because of you. Thanks!

It’s been a wonderful weekend spent together, a true gift impossible to forget; and so have been the stories from Nancy, friends and all those touched by him…countless of us.

Capturing this moment has been both difficult and emotional beyond words; sure enough, the last strokes got me crying.

  • ADRIANO TREVISAN - Switzerland

    Dear Nancy, Kristen, Symi, Joe and you all that made this a gift to humankind, our world is a better place because of you. Thanks!

    It’s been a wonderful weekend spent together, a true gift impossible to forget; and so have been the stories from Nancy, friends and all those touched by him…countless of us.

    I now know for certain, how such unique friends Richard and John were and it gives me comfort the thought of them reunited again, as they smile at us from someplace else.

    Capturing this moment has been both difficult and emotional beyond words; sure enough, the last strokes got me crying.

    With profound gratitude and love, thank you RichardAdriano (from the far Switzerland)

DRIFTER oil, 18x36


It's hard to grasp the full meaning of this loss to his family, loved ones and the Art World. He was beloved by many, even those who never met him. I realized that I never thought of him as this iconic figure. He was more real than that. He was extremely generous with his knowledge setting an example for everyone else to do the same. What I remember most was not technique but rather his desire for beauty, his sheer love of paint, his thoughts on the philosophy of life, definitely the chocolate cakes, his humor and more than anything his love for Nancy, his wife. Not necessarily in that order. Gratefully, he lives on through his work, his books and his words. Right up to the end he was editing a new book. Richard leaves us his singular joy of painting.


Sima, Alireza, Nancy, Symi & Joe


Participating in this event also gives me this chance to admire Alireza Asanloo, my master who cares a lot about his students, especially me to introduce us, the great artist Richard Schmid using different ways like his artworks, his films and other things.

Richard Schmid was a blessing in this world and his art was an inspiration for so many artists. I believe he brought peace and love and beauty to our lives. His absence is a huge loss. I feel I also lost a friend.


    Hello, First of all I want to appreciate dear Nancy for this gift she gave us then I want to thank Richard and her again for all the favors they did for me.

    I should mention I`m so glad for this opportunity which is given to me.

    Participating in this event also gives me this chance to admire Alireza Asanloo, my master who cares a lot about his students, especially me to introduce us, the great artist Richard Schmid using different ways like his artworks, his films and other things.

    Richard Schmid was a blessing in this world and his art was an inspiration for so many artists.

    I believe he brought peace and love and beauty to our lives.His absence is a huge loss. I feel I also lost a friend.

    At the end thank you all for holding this event and letting me be a part of it.

    I`ve attached my painting and some other photos of myself here. I painted this on the 2nd Oct with you to tribute Richard.


    Sima Kahaki

LIGHT & LAYERS oil, 12x16


Dear Nancy,

It was lovely to meet you over Zoom and be part of celebration of Richard’s Life

Thou I never met him he made a huge impact on my artistic development, through his books and DVDs.

Here is my tribute to Richard.

Svetlana Orinko from New Zealand


In this way, Richard taught me more than just how to paint from a technical standpoint. He taught me how to face the canvas, how to feel the subject, and how to emphasize the model’s more beautiful sides with artistic eyes. More important, he taught me how to enjoy creating art and how to teach and share the craft with anyone who wants to paint. He inspired me to teach and share everything I know in my classes, just like he did in his. Today, I still seek comfort in his book when I struggle with my painting; Richard tells me that it is okay and I am doing fine.


    I was not prepared to lose someone I admired so much. I knew this could inevitably happen anytime and anywhere, but nevertheless I could not figure out what to do with the sorrow. People around me might have wondered why I was feeling so sad when I heard about Richard’s passing. But I believe my fellow artists will surely understand why, judging from what we shared at the zoom sessions.

    Many prominent figures in the art scene have passed away recently. The world has lost so many great people like Richard Schmid, Daniel Greene, Edward Jonas, and Gary R. Haynes, whom I respect and admire. Every time I heard such sad news, I deeply regretted that I was not brave enough to show my appreciation more personally and that I have forever missed the opportunity to talk to them more because of my shyness. I felt that I lost some of the greatest supporters who truly encouraged me. These people recognized my art and shed a light on my work that would otherwise be stuck in my studio. This means a lot to me. Whenever I doubted myself as an artist, they came along like a miracle and provided me with great opportunities that helped me to persevere.

    Especially, Richard was my teacher who, through his books, taught something that nobody else could as I started as a Fine Artist during my graduate school years. Every glimpse of his work motivated me to try painting such beautiful work myself. At the top of my bucket list, I had the experience of painting with Richard in his studio and learning from the great artist. This is now an impossible wish and I have forever lost the chance, but I will continue to cherish his valuable advice and get motivated by his kind words. I still remember one of those days when I was having so much difficulty getting my painting going for some reason. By chance, I opened Richard’s book, Alla Prima II, on page 24. Richard’s candid picture there made me feel relieved with tears. If a great master like him sometimes struggles, why wouldn’t I?

    In this way, Richard taught me more than just how to paint from a technical standpoint. He taught me how to face the canvas, how to feel the subject, and how to emphasize the model’s more beautiful sides with artistic eyes. More important, he taught me how to enjoy creating art and how to teach and share the craft with anyone who wants to paint. He inspired me to teach and share everything I know in my classes, just like he did in his. Today, I still seek comfort in his book when I struggle with my painting; Richard tells me that it is okay and I am doing fine.

    While we deal with the sad news of Richard’s passing, especially in this strange world of Covid pandemic, I thought that we need to share our feelings and comfort each other. I found consolation in drawing this piece and I certainly hope that it will help anyone who needs comforting. I spend quite a bit of time praying while I draw. In this drawing, the model is praying for anyone who is in sorrow and needs care. I believe her prayers will help a flower of comfort and warmth to bloom for all of us.



Good morning
It was such a pleasure painting online with hundreds of other artists paying tribute to Richard. It is incredible how far Richards teachings and influence have reached and it was an absolute joy to see and hear stories from artists around the world about how Richard impacted their lives and careers in some way. Having regrettably not had the opportunity to meet him in person it really gave me a beautiful insight into the legacy and value that he left on this world. Thank you again for letting us into your world.

I've attached my humble work started and finished live on zoom during day one of the celebration

All the best from Dubai, UAE. Matt Ryder



Hi Nancy, Everyone is heart broken with the loss of Richard. I am sending you all my Love.

Sending this painting of Richard I did awhile ago. He was such a blessing to all of us in Northern Colorado. This picture is from an event he put on to raise money for the scholarship of Northern Colorado Artist group. It is called The Art of Sharing. I have really enjoyed watching the event video. It will take me awhile to get through the whole video. Best Wishes and Love, Patti Andre

PAULA ARIAS - Argentina

Hello, my name is Paula Arias. I am a painter in Argentina. This is the work I did on the Paint-a-Thon from my studio. Many thanks to Nancy and everyone who made this beautiful and huge event possible! It is a gift that I will treasure in my heart. I deeply admire Richard, Nancy and many of the artists who are participating. Thank you so much !!!

ALEX FAUDE - Belgium

What I really love about Richard is that he encourages everyone to paint what makes us bliss and joyful. To simply create things out of love. This is very rare and I happy to see more and more people who really understand this message. I am very grateful for knowing a glimpse of the paradise he created with his friends and family.

As Nancy said, the love and information shared during his celebration helps the world in a lot of ways. I am happy to be part of this great family and I will also help to continue his message. I really enjoyed the celebration of Richard Schmid and I would love to meet every single one of you. 

  • ALEX FAUDE - Belgium

    Hello, I heard about Richard a few years ago, during my trip to Australia.

    Instead of following an art education at a local university... I traveled to the other side of the world to meet Robin Eley, an artist and friend who inspired me so much. I learned more from Robin during those three weeks than what I would have learned in a five year course at the university. Robin introduced me to the Book ‘Alla Prima II’ and once I started reading it, I felt in awe. Richard’s messages were so inspiring and even today I feel they are still opening my heart.

    I would have loved to meet Richard, but my memories and contact where mainly by the emails with Molly and the insights, love and joy I experienced by reading his books and watching his dvd’s. 

    What I really love about Richard is that he encourages everyone to paint what makes us bliss and joyful. To simply create things out of love. This is very rare and I happy to see more and more people who really understand this message. I am very grateful for knowing a glimpse of the paradise he created with his friends and family.

    As Nancy said, the love and information shared during his celebration helps the world in a lot of ways. 

    I am happy to be part of this great family and I will also help to continue his message. 

    I really enjoyed the celebration of Richard Schmid and I would love to meet every single one of you. 

    Thank you Nancy, Symi, Joe, Richard, artists, family and friends and all the people who made this happen. 

    Lot's of love from Belgium. 

    Best wishes, Alex Faudé 




Hello! I just wanted to share the painting I worked on during the live paint along in celebration of Richard. It was so wonderful to hear about his goodness and those he and Nancy influenced. Thank you for everything

16x20” oil painting of an uprooted flower-of-an-hour and a sleepy orange butterfly.
“Beginning to bloom”

Kristin Gibby


Dear Nancy and everyone else,

Thank you very much for this great event to celebrate the legacy of Richard Schmid!

I joined from my studio in Munich (Germany) and I feel honored to be part of this and had the opportunity to paint along with so many artists from around the world as a tribute to Richard Schmid. It was very inspiring and a wonderful experience. In the attachment I send you my photo of the painting I was working on while the PAINT-A-THON on Oct 2nd.


    Dear Nancy and everyone else,

    Thank you very much for this great event to celebrate the legacy of Richard Schmid!

    I joined from my studio in Munich (Germany) and I feel honored to be part of this and had the opportunity to paint along with so many artists from around the world as a tribute to Richard Schmid. It was very inspiring and a wonderful experience. In the attachment I send you my photo of the painting I was working on while the PAINT-A-THON on Oct 2nd.

    Unfortunately I never had the chance to meet Richard in person, but I love his art and he even helped me while the hard time of the pandemic. In the interview at last year’s conference of the Portrait Society he said that bad time will pass but the art will last forever. Keeping this always in my mind meant so much to me during all the struggles I had with my profession as an artist while covid and I will remember this forever. I’m sure that through his art Richard will live forever, in the same way the old master still do.

    Thank you very much for this amazing event; all your love, passion and work you have put into this.

    And thank you very much for making this for free, too. What a fantastic gift to the art world.

    Kind regards from Munich

    Andrea Steinbauer


Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the wonderful celebration of Richard Schmid. What a transformative event - there is so much more to learn! Richard's legacy of kindness and generosity in sharing his great art and skill will keep spreading. You could not have done a more amazing job in spreading art and community around the world. Sending love to Nancy for sharing Richard with so many artists.

Linda Champanier


Dear Symi:

What a fabulous, wonderful event you all made for us.I am speechless in my poor English, but I want you to know I am truly grateful to belong to these good people. I washed 20. hours and all yesterday.

I was ready to paint as we talked about, but wanted more to listen to everybody, and understand.The best thing was to see Nancy chance from the sorrow into live and joy.I love her, she was so good to me.

I really appreciate if you can use this painting in the show.

It was so nice to talk to your beautiful mother and see your Joe. You did all this so well, Symi with kindness and class.

With love and admiration. Elinrós

SAMIR HAŽBIĆ - Bosnia and Herzegovian

-Dobar dan vam želim,
vaš suprug Richard je moj slikarski idol.Slućajno sam prije 15-tak godina upoznao njegovo slikarstvo i ostao očaran i zadivljen načinom na koji je Richard stvarao svoje slike.Dosta sam naučio kopirajući njegova djela i još uvijek učim od njega.Kupovao sam online lekcije i učio od največeg i najbolje kojeg sam znao.Žao mi je što nisam bio u mogučnosti da ga lićno upoznam i čestitam za maestralne slike koje je uradio.Siguran sam da je svijet izgubio največeg slikara i dobrog čovjeka.
Sretan sam što sam poznavao,barem preko interneta, Richarda Schmida.
Dok sam živ on će biti moj najbolji učitelj slikarstva i naravno hvala mu za ono što sam naučio od njega, velikog Richarda Schmida.
Možete biti ponosni što ste imali Richarda za supruga. Puno pozdrava od kolege iz Bosne i Hercegovine.
Samir Hažbić

  • SAMIR HAŽBIĆ - Bosnia and Herzegovian

    - Have a nice day,

    your husband Richard is my painting idol. I happened to meet his painting about 15 years ago and was fascinated and amazed by the way Richard created his paintings. I learned a lot by copying his works and still learn from him. I bought online lessons and learned from the greatest and best I knew. I'm sorry I wasn't able to meet him in person and congratulate him on the masterful paintings he did. I'm sure the world has lost the greatest painter and good man.

    I am happy to have known, at least over the internet, Richard Schmid.

    While I am alive he will be my best painting teacher and of course thank him for what I learned from him, the great Richard Schmid.

    You can be proud to have Richard as your husband.

    Many greetings from a colleague from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    Samir Hažbić


Hello Everyone,

That was such a wonderful weekend! Very uplifting and inspirational! Thank you for putting that together and sharing it.

You kept saying to send in images of what we were working on. My first attachment is a full sheet pastel commission of a landscape near my home, which I was trying to work on while listening/watching…


    Hello Everyone,

    That was such a wonderful weekend! Very uplifting and inspirational! Thank you for putting that together and sharing it.

    You kept saying to send in images of what we were working on. My first attachment is a full sheet pastel commission of a landscape near my home, which I was trying to work on while listening/watching. My wi-fi reception in the pastel/sculpture room was not working so good so I eventually went into the other studio where I oil paint. On my easel there for a few final strokes is a still life painted as a demo at the recent Southeast State Fair. So I was able to do a little on it and that is where I was when I spoke. Both of these paintings are unfinished and it feels funny to send photos of such. Consequently I could not resist sending my most recent finished piece, "On the Edge of Time", oil, 36"x20". This third attachment was finished not long ago.

    Thank you again for letting us all celebrate this great man.


    Donna Catotti


Dear Nancy,
It was a great experience to be a part of “Paint A Thon.”
Here is small write up-

“I first learned of Richard Schmid from a booklet I had received along with my purchase of Rosemary brushes. As soon as I began to look more into Richard’s work, the dormant artist within me was inspired. Every stroke was masterful, and every word was powerful. When I paint I often feel as if he is in the studio guiding me; all the skills I have picked up over the last few years can be attributed to him. I own all his books and DVDs, and all the books he recommended in them, too! Each contains a wealth of knowledge that is invaluable to any artist seeking to better their craft. I have wished to meet Richard for a long time, and attend his workshops. Although I will not get a chance to do this now, I do hope that in the future I will be able to attend workshops hosted by Nancy. Thank you for setting a precedent of humility and generosity in the art community!”

Many thanks, Aparna Patil

WORKSHOP oil, 12 x12


My painting WORKSHOP was done during the 24 hour marathon honoring Richard’s birthday.

This epitomizes my joy of painting with fellow artists in a beautiful studio. The reference was taken from a workshop I taught at the Art Students League in Denver.

Thank you all so much. The work involved was stunning and you touched so many hearts as Richard did.

Sincerely in paint, Teresa Vito



This is my “Wall of Fame” in my studio. I love this portrait of Richard – he is always smiling down at me, encouraging me.

I feel like he’s with me all the time. When I have a painting problem I look at this photo and say “What would Richard do?” And, he smiles at me. I never met him but have all his books of course. I met Nancy once.

Thanks so much for this tribute – it’s the first of its kind.

Jennifer Black, Charleston SC 



…However, the next break he came back and asked, “Would you like a critique?” Of course, yes!

Richard’s question startled me. “Why were you hurrying?” Having absolutely no idea how to answer, I said, “This is the last sitting.” “Oh, I see. But why are you hurrying?” I tried again. “She won’t be coming back. This is her last day.” “But why are you hurrying?” I just said the obvious, “I’m trying to finish.” “Ah, if that is your goal then fine. But what was does it mean to finish?” I just sat there dumbfounded. “If trying to paint everything you see and cover the canvas with paint, then you have succeeded. However, you would do well to slow down until you really see what is in front of you. Next time you paint the model, just paint one eye for the whole 3 hours. I would rather see one inch of beauty, than a canvas covered with errors.”

…his one statement was worth EVERY PENNY that I spent to get it. He was spot on, don’t paint faster than you can see.

…His art, influence and example of generosity will never end. Caio Richard Schmid


    I started painting in the 70’s, and by the 90’s definitely needed help. I checked the local colleges and beyond and decided “No”. In 1990, I saw an article about Richard Schmid in Southwest Art. In the back, was a postage-stamp size photo of Richard Schmid and Rose Frantzen. The caption mentioned the Palette & Chisel, whatever and wherever that was. Pre-Google research placed it in Chicago.

    I saved nickels to see an exhibition of Sorolla in St. Louis and bought a gate-leg ticket to Chicago to find the Palette and Chisel. There I learned that cheap meant more than lack of amenities. That night I pushed the dresser against the hotel door and blocked with more furniture. After surviving unscathed, I searched until I located the Palette and Chisel on Dearborn with the aid of phone books, maps, and luck. Speaking of luck, I found the 3 Arts Club also on Dearborn which housed women in the arts for the mere price of $30/day with 2 meals included. Such a bargain that it was only available to drop-ins in the summer. So, I made reservations for next August and waited for my chance to possibly meet Richard Schmid.

    Next August, 7 days a week from opening to closing, I painted at the Palette and Chisel hoping to meet Richard. They actually gave me the keys to open and close. After a month, Richard finally came to paint. I will always remember the rubber in my legs and the butterflies in my stomach. It was like standing next to the coolest boy in school and hoping to be asked to the prom.

    After the 3rd sitting of the model, Richard walked behind me, went back and sat down. Dang! Not interested, a month away from children and a chunk of money for a poor girl down the drain. However, the next break he came back and asked, “Would you like a critique?” Of course, yes!

    Richard’s question startled me. “Why were you hurrying?” Having absolutely no idea how to answer, I said, “This is the last sitting.” “Oh, I see. But why are you hurrying?” I tried again. “She won’t be coming back. This is her last day.” “But why are you hurrying?” I just said the obvious, “I’m trying to finish.” “Ah, if that is your goal then fine. But what was does it mean to finish?” I just sat there dumbfounded. “If trying to paint everything you see and cover the canvas with paint, then you have succeeded. However, you would do well to slow down until you really see what is in front of you. Next time you paint the model, just paint one eye for the whole 3 hours. I would rather see one inch of beauty, than a canvas covered with errors.”

    I started taking lessons from Clayton Beck, who enjoyed the privilege of painting with Richard. What he taught me in a couple of weeks was amazing. I went from can’t draw, don’t understand light, what’s design to painting the winning OPA Regional painting in my bedroom at the 3 Art’s Club all in about 6 weeks. Thank you, Richard and Clayton! (Photo below)

    That was my only contact with Richard in 1990, and his one statement was worth EVERY PENNY that I spent to get it. He was spot on, don’t paint faster than you can see.

    I met Richard several times after, and I believe he is the one person most responsible for the resurgence of representation art in America. He helped save the knowledge, passion and appreciation of beauty. His art, influence and example of generosity will never end. Caio Richard Schmid


To me Richard added through his art, personality and teaching exactly what's the world and l need most right now: His art reveals his love for life, nature and people, and together with his generosity as a teacher and as a person he offers a precious example for us all.

So heartwarming to hear others valuing Richard too.

Huge thanks,
Caz Scott


This weekend's celebration of Richard's legacy is unlike anything I have ever experienced.

His teachings and philosophy on art have made such a great impact on me since some of my first mentors when I started my studies at the age of 12.

…I can't imagine what my life would have looked like without Richard's influence. I will forever be grateful for his generosity, teachings, and for his student's who continued to carry that torch.


    Dear Symi, Joe, and Nancy,

    This weekend's celebration of Richard's legacy is unlike anything I have ever experienced.

    His teachings and philosophy on art have made such a great impact on me since some of my first mentors when I started my studies at the age of 12.

    My figure drawing and oil painting instructor Steve Carpenter introduced me to Alla Prima, and made it the gold standard for art and all of its principles. I would study under him every summer, and he would often refer me to certain paintings and passages in Richard's book.

    Then when I was 15 I heard Scott Burdick was in town and had one open slot for a workshop the following day. I had the amazing fortune of being able to join, and Scott immediately took me under his wing. He would have me sit in the most challenging angles from the models, engage in philosophy conversations at lunch, at a time when most of my adult peers really didn't take me seriously, he did. The kindness he showed me that week is something I try to impress upon students of mine when I teach, and I am sure that is a trait passed down from Richard.

    Scott had told me at the end of that workshop that I should really come paint in Vermont at the Putney Painters barn one day, and from then on out, that was my dream.

    I began taking from Richard's other students and attending the Portrait Society of America every time I could. Then in 2016 at the age of 20 I was fortunate enough to attend Michelle Dunaway's workshop at the barn, and be invited to stay another day to paint with Richard, Nancy and the Putney Painters.

    I'm not even sure I could put into words how much that day has meant to me, and how the teachings, conversations, and connections from that day have influenced my life going forward. Same goes for the next few trips my mom and I took up there in 2018 and 2019.

    Throughout that entire time since I was very young I have carried with me this need to learn more about art. I felt like I needed to create like I needed to breathe. So when I was in art college, and they hardly touched on philosophy and the beauty of art, it was always Richard's books that would keep me company; to push me forward and to remind me what I was here to do. His words and passion I always felt reflected my own feelings towards this path in life, and I always felt that in the halls of the Portrait Conference and at the workshops I had taken with his students.

    It has been so challenging to call upon that feeling since the lockdowns began. No other virtual events have been able to capture the spirit of being around other creative minds the way being in person did. So for much of it, I did what I could do to help through my art. I painted 100 portraits of healthcare workers to try to add more beauty to a very scary world, but still it never felt the same as when I could feel that spark from being in a room with other like minded artists. I know many others who have felt that same sentiment.

    I knew this feeling was missing, and I thought it completely impossible to achieve again until I was in person... and yet at this event I was in tears for most of my time attending, having had that feeling of my heart being filled again by the beauty of art. Seeing the same feelings coming through the chat was so heartwarming, and it is just incredible to see what you all have achieved. Richard's legacy permeates virtual boundaries, and the love and passion you all have has touched so many hearts all around the world.

    I can't imagine what my life would have looked like without Richard's influence. I will forever be grateful for his generosity, teachings, and for his student's who continued to carry that torch.

    Thank you all again, so much.

    ~Julia Maddalina

    Here is one of the painting studies I did on Saturday, I also began a painting of Richard, but as I learned more today I had to keep starting over. So if it is alright to send that later on, I would love to share it when it is done!




Hi to you all,

I am so honored to be taking part to honor Richard. This was a painting tribute to Richard as I loved his work so much. I named it Snowy Hideaway, 16x20, oil on canvas. I hope you enjoy it.

I sure enjoyed it and wished it lasted longer!

Sincerely, Sharon Burrows Alberta, Canada


I painted this while listening to many of the tributes to Richard Schmid the afternoon of October 2, 2021 on Zoom. It struck me that everyone had the same reaction to his book, Alla Prima, that I did: what a generous man and fantastic book. It is the book I recommend when anyone asks what book they need to learn more about painting. It’s the most generous treatise on painting that I’ve read.

Best wishes,



Thanks so much for organizing the wonderful paint-a-thon in honor of Richard Schmid. It was absolutely joyous hearing all the stories about his generosity and how his work influenced so many artists all over the world. His work and teachings have and will always continue to inspire me.

I make at least one snow painting a year that I use for Christmas cards. They are typically of local scenes and I have been sending them to Richard and Nancy in the past few years. To my amazement, two years ago they sent me a card back! I nearly fainted! It had this lovely note and drawing of the two of them, I just couldn't believe it! I even received another handwritten card last summer, out of the blue! I really do appreciate it so much. Like many people, I also wish I had met him in person but I will forever treasure these wonderful cards.

During the paint-a-thon I was trying to paint my Christmas card painting for this year, as usual it's challenging and it won't make the cut this year but fair is fair, this is what I painted.

Our sons, Boyd (7) and Beau(5) also love to paint and get their paints out every time I put on a Richard Schmid dvd. They also participated in the paint-a-thon. They made about 30. I asked them which one they enjoyed painting the most and here is the result (pics attached).

Again, thanks so much to Nancy, Symi and Joe for putting this together.

Love, Bibi, Boyd and Beau

TROUBLE MAKERS. oil, 12x12


Hello Everyone!
I thought it time I reached out with a big hug to you all. To Nancy, the Putney Painters, Symi, Penelope, Carol and those that I’ve forgotten to mention. Most of all thanks to Richard for giving me a solid foundation to build my future on. Sadly I can’t now get to give his hand a little squeeze in appreciation.

I finished this painting I started while on Zoom with the wonderful Putney Painters. I love it but must admit to the challenge it was in my current environment. Michael kindly reminded me to treat every painting as an exercise and that’s where their true value lies.

  • Description text goes here


Dearest Nancy and Symi
I was so grateful to be able to get a glimpse into the impact Richard had on everyone’s lives.
Thank you for sharing and enabling such a wonderful tribute to an incredible human being.
My only regret in life will now be that I never met one of the worlds most loveliest souls.
Nancy I hope to meet you one day and Symi…see you next year Happy painting and have a lovely day
and here’s to Richard:- immortal in memory❤️
Kindest Regards, Andrew - andrew_moody_art


Richard, Oh Richard!

I miss so very much the part of my life that you would touch whenever we spoke, attended functions or painted together. Your encouragement, laughter, love of beauty, and friendship to Paul and me for over 20 years will always be with us.

The large still life painting that we are so very proud to own (and, by the way, nothing is ever still in your still life pieces) brings us daily joy. The movement of color and light dances across the canvas leaving us hearing the symphony playing in the background as you worked.

We met 20+ years ago. It was at the 2000 Captains Portrait demonstration in Bennington, Vermont that Paul and I were introduced to you and your work. Your Angels, Nancy and Kristen, were seated in the front row next to Timothy Thies and us among 300 other art lovers and artists in the auditorium of the Bennington Center for the Arts. We had never met but Kristen had taken pity on Paul and me because he had a full length leg cast and was on crutches. Serendipity! I was trying to learn more about the artist whose work was on the cover of the January, 2000 edition of Artist Magazine. Little did I expect that by receiving an award in that same issue my artist life would be forever altered…a gift from God.


    Richard, Oh Richard!

    From Judy Stach AIS

    I miss so very much the part of my life that you would touch whenever we spoke, attended functions or painted together. Your encouragement, laughter, love of beauty, and friendship to Paul and me for over 20 years will always be with us.

    The large still life painting that we are so very proud to own (and, by the way, nothing is ever still in your still life pieces) brings us daily joy. The movement of color and light dances across the canvas leaving us hearing the symphony playing in the background as you worked.

    We met 20+ years ago. It was at the 2000 Captains Portrait demonstration in Bennington, Vermont that Paul and I were introduced to you and your work. Your Angels, Nancy and Kristen, were seated in the front row next to Timothy Thies and us among 300 other art lovers and artists in the auditorium of the Bennington Center for the Arts. We had never met but Kristen had taken pity on Paul and me because he had a full length leg cast and was on crutches. Serendipity! I was trying to learn more about the artist whose work was on the cover of the January, 2000 edition of Artist Magazine. Little did I expect that by receiving an award in that same issue my artist life would be forever altered…a gift from God.

    The gallery I work from daily is filled with mementos of your genius. For instance, under my glass pallet I have three photos of you and Nancy that are reminders of the love, laughter, friendship and wonder we shared. We were in Falmouth and you asked Nancy to be your umbrella as you painted, and she was! You began that piece by asking Daniel Keys and me, who were observing from behind, to turn away as you faced your white canvas and prepared to paint a big red boat in the bay. A few moments passed and we were instructed to observe the finish. Impossible, we thought. Then, as our eyes focused on the canvas, we saw you had done it. In bold, strong red brush strokes you had written across the middle, THE BIG RED BOAT! I do hope Al, who purchased the final piece, remembers that.

    I now paint with these photos under my glass pallet along with, of course, a photo of Timothy Thies, my friend and mentor. I also have a picture of Jesus under the glass with you. I wonder how your portrait of Him is coming along.

    Thank you for your gracious and generous life and legacy that touched my life as well as Paul’s.

    We miss you,

    Judy Stach AIS.

MASTER COPY pastel on sanded paper, 15.5x20.5


Indeed, Richard Schmid loved life, and shared that love in his paintings, his relationships, his books, his videos. He mentored and inspired generations of artists. His books are veritable bibles about Oil Painting. His encouragement to all of us to find our voice, and to master the skill necessary to make that voice understood, visually, continues to be a driving force. He gave us permission to change the world, merely by painting from life, and sharing how we SEE. It is enough. 

Thank you Nancy, for your warmth and devotion. I so loved the intimacy of the gathering that you and Symi created for all of us around the world…

  • Cathey Cadieux

    Dear Nancy, Symi, and Joe,

    I would like to begin by thanking you for allowing me to be part of the Celebrating Richard Schmid worldwide weekend event. I logged in at 6:30 am, Pacific Coast time, on October 2nd. I had set up my still life painting the night before. I worked on it the entire first day, and in between watching the other artists and videos on the second day. I was there the whole time, completely immersed.

    My 18" x 24" Oil still life, titled " Thank you , Richard Schmid" features roses from my garden, passion fruit, an original " Richard Schmid Paints the Figure" book ( well worn from use), A Tea tin that says Golden Rule ( because Richard fostered an atmosphere of caring and mutual respect), and a Thank You card. In the background is a Master Copy of a Richard Schmid painting (in pastel), that I did around 1990 when Richard had a retrospective show in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. I was represented by Jody Kirberger of Talisman Gallery, who organized the retrospective. Jody kindly allowed me to set up my easel in the gallery and make copies (in pastel ), of two of Richard's paintings .

    The other Master Copy, is the painting of Nancy wearing the crimson dress (perhaps painted in fugitive Alizarin Crimson?) . It is pastel on sanded paper, 15 1/2 " x 20 1/2 ".

    I was delighted to be able to show my works and speak to Nancy during the Celebrating Richard Schmid event. I shared on camera, the Master Copy that features Nancy, and my still life setup and the painting I was working on. I painted 14 hours that day/night. I am 67, so I was surprised that I could keep painting so long! The atmosphere of the event, Nancy's enthusiasm, and the sheer outpouring of love, was incredibly energizing. Of all the painting events I have ever participated in, that was by far the most moving.

    What did Richard mean to me? I went to the American Academy of Art from 1974-1976, because I wanted to learn Traditional painting. Richard was not living in Chicago at the time, so I did not have the chance to meet him while I was studying there. However, I did study with the legendary teacher Bill Parks, who was a student of William Mosby. Mr. Parks was completely devoted to passing on the teachings of Mosby.

    All of the students of the American Academy were in awe of Schmid's work, needless to say, and he was a huge inspiration. I can't say that I was mature enough to fully grasp the techniques in my youth, but I was fortunate to encounter Richard in later years when I was represented by Jody Kirberger at Talisman Gallery. Being able to see the body of Richard's work in person was overwhelming and humbling. His range of mediums and techniques was unequaled I was doing pastel portraits of children at the time, and felt intimidated in Richard's presence. However, he was magnanimous and stated that one of my works was the best portrait he had seen in a long time. What a dear man.

    I had a chance to talk to him during his retrospective in Bartlesville. We happened to be almost alone in the gallery at one point, and walked around and talked about his paintings. I went from painting to painting and noted his astonishing range of techniques: from transparent turpentine washes, to juicy brushstrokes, to drybrush, to palette knife, to long sweeping strokes made by a 4 inch housepainters brush. It was dazzling! I asked him if he was ever amazed at himself for his virtuosity. He laughed and admitted that, yes, he pushed the boundaries of technique to "show off". We both grinned and savored the moment. Then Richard exclaimed, with a great deal of passion, " Aren't we Lucky?!"

    And I said, " to be artists?" And he answered: " To be Alive!!"

    Indeed, Richard Schmid loved life, and shared that love in his paintings, his relationships, his books, his videos. He mentored and inspired generations of artists. His books are veritable bibles about Oil Painting. His encouragement to all of us to find our voice, and to master the skill necessary to make that voice understood, visually, continues to be a driving force. He gave us permission to change the world, merely by painting from life, and sharing how we SEE. It is enough.

    Thank you Nancy, for your warmth and devotion. I so loved the intimacy of the gathering that you and Symi created for all of us around the world. Joe; a million thanks for creating the best zoom meeting in the world. I didn't know I could cry so much and yet be so full of joy, in hearing the testimonies of so many people who loved Richard.

    He is truly immortal.

    With all my love,

    Cathey Cadieux

    Malibu, California

    @casacadieuxstudio Instagram



Dear Nancy.

After speaking with you yesterday in Alireza's studio, I painted one of the Richard's work by my own technique.

I dedicate it to RICHARD SCHMID.

Your sincerely



I learned so much! For my whole life I would do kindness and then reject the gratitude. Now I realize that I must do kindness AND use the gratitude to inspire others to do the same. a life changing epiphany!

There is so much cynicism in the world. Sadly, many people believe that everything in the world is a lie. But by creating things of true, earnest beauty it forces the cynic to admit that beauty itself, at the very least, is true. I feel like that's what Richard did, and by trying my best to follow the path he left behind. Maybe I can do some small good in the world too.

It took a week or so for me to understand the info that you all were so awesome to give me but I made the attached painting as a direct result of implementing that info!

Thank you so much, Jacobus Woolfe


    Dear Nancy,

    I just wanted to reach out and tell you how much it meant to me to have the opportunity to come celebrate Richard's life and legacy. You may not remember me, but I was the guy with the dreadlocks that was painting the woman in the african dress. (that was becoming a fauvist nightmare, haha) I wanted to reach out to say a big, huge, gargantuan THANK YOU. for everything. I, for one, can say with 100% certainty that I have become a better painter, and a better human from the experience. I just feel so energized and invigorated to study my craft so that I have a solid tool to use for good in the world.

    I learned so much! For my whole life I would do kindness and then reject the gratitude. Now I realize that I must do kindness AND use the gratitude to inspire others to do the same. a life changing epiphany!

    There is so much cynicism in the world. Sadly, many people believe that everything in the world is a lie. But by creating things of true, earnest beauty it forces the cynic to admit that beauty itself, at the very least, is true. I feel like that's what Richard did, and by trying my best to follow the path he left behind. Maybe I can do some small good in the world too.

    It took a week or so for me to understand the info that you all were so awesome to give me but I made the attached painting as a direct result of implementing that info!

    Thank you so much,

    Jacobus Woolfe



Words cannot begin to express the profound impact Richard Schmid has had on me. As a 64 year old retired architect transitioning to serious art, just seeing him paint with Daniel Keys in 2012 at the Chatham Library was a highlight of my life. I was in the workshop with Daniel the following week and have also taken workshops with Kathy Anderson.

"What a generous man he was", heard so often during the Oct 2-3 Celebration, was certainly my lasting impression. My goals are to not only be the best artist I can be but to also attempt to personify the kind and generous man, Richard Schmid.


    Words cannot begin to express the profound impact Richard Schmid has had on me. As a 64 year old retired architect transitioning to serious art, just seeing him paint with Daniel Keys in 2012 at the Chatham Library was a highlight of my life. I was in the workshop with Daniel the following week and have also taken workshops with Kathy Anderson.

    "What a generous man he was", heard so often during the Oct 2-3 Celebration, was certainly my lasting impression. My goals are to not only be the best artist I can be but to also attempt to personify the kind and generous man, Richard Schmid.

    The Last Harvest painting below is the result of a wonderful weekend celebration Oct 2-3, painted in honor of Richard Schmid.

    Ben Compton M: (803) 960-0135 www.BenComptonArt.comBenComptonArt on FacebookInstagram


Thank you, Symi. I can only imagine how much work and effort you have put into this project, and I marvel at the amount of technical prowess you would have to learn to pull it off. It is truly a labor of your love for Richard, and the world will always be grateful for all you and "Rosemary & Co." have done to make these magnificent memories available for the world to see. 

…In his discussion about the human condition, (to paraphrase), he cautions us to "make sure that what we choose to paint arises from what honestly fascinates and stirs us." We are each unique in what we notice, feel, ponder, accept, and how we experience humanity--and then, how we juxtapose and combine those observations help to make up our outlook on life. When all these discoveries about ourselves converge, this gets reflected in our paintings.

Richard is a world's treasure, and forever a legend.


    Dear Nancy,

    Thank you, Symi. I can only imagine how much work and effort you have put into this project, and I marvel at the amount of technical prowess you would have to learn to pull it off. It is truly a labor of your love for Richard, and the world will always be grateful for all you and "Rosemary & Co." have done to make these magnificent memories available for the world to see. 

    What a heart-tugging celebration you created for Richard! My big regret is that I never got to meet him personally. I'm in Arizona, so I watched Saturday into the late night and then started again on Sunday. The moment of silence began just before one of my beginning art students was to arrive. When she did, she found me crying and I explained why and told her all about Richard as she sat there and watched with me. I took Alla Prima II off my shelf to show her. No surprise that she was astounded with his work. We watched throughout the day as we painted.

    After she left, I reflected on my first experience with reading his book. I was very careful with my keepsake that contained his signature and the special art print that came with it. I have always kept it in the box he mailed it in so that it doesn't get damaged. I read the book, cover-to-cover, and was so awed. There was so much knowledge there that my brain was overwhelmed. Shortly after, I made a plan to read it again. I bought a pretty notebook just for the purpose, and I read the book again and took notes of his specific art instructions. It took me eleven days to do this, but now I have a Richard Schmid 73-page notebook for quick reference.

    Taking those notes from his most important words really helped me internalize his teachings. In his discussion about the human condition, (to paraphrase), he cautions us to "make sure that what we choose to paint arises from what honestly fascinates and stirs us." We are each unique in what we notice, feel, ponder, accept, and how we experience humanity--and then, how we juxtapose and combine those observations help to make up our outlook on life. When all these discoveries about ourselves converge, this gets reflected in our paintings.

    Richard is a world's treasure, and forever a legend.

    Much love,

    Marsha Rhodes Gilliam

    Richard Schmid will live on forever in our hearts and through all the books of vast knowledge and masterful paintings he has left to the world. ~Marsha Rhodes Gilliam



Hi I did a painting during the paint a thon for mr. scmid’s weekend tribute. Didn’t know if it appropriate to share here. Anyway please take comfort in knowing Richard is an inspiration always. I feel like in some ways this is just the beginning for him. His influence and his art will grow and grow.
The painting is me (a handy model) and titled The Granduci. -a nonsensical title for me as granny. Diane Tigue



The thing I got most out of these past couple of days was the inner beauty that bubbled out of you all like a fountain mermaid speaking truth on life and art. Whether the mermaid spurted forth like a volcano or dribbled down her chin you were there with a paper towel to soak it all in. Beautiful combination of truth, harmony, unity, story telling, generosity and fun! Reminded me of Jesus

a poem for Nancy:

Angels at work or play we may not see,
was that a cliff we nearly fell? saved by the screach of brakes!
taken out of reach, no harm this day, a flap of heavenly wings sighing with relief.
laying down to rest our blessed one, we remember his look that warm smile
beams upon us as our own eyes weap tears of joy, knowing united in soul.
he sleeps, we take rest, knowing
angels at work not seen.


    Hi Symi

    Can you please give Nancy a big hug from me when you see her next and thank her again.

    The thing I got most out of these past couple of days was the inner beauty that bubbled out of you all like a fountain mermaid speaking truth on life and art. Whether the mermaid spurted forth like a volcano or dribbled down her chin you were there with a paper towel to soak it all in. Beautiful combination of truth, harmony, unity, story telling, generosity and fun! Reminded me of Jesus

    Can you please add me into your book club no idea of how this will transpire however Richards words live on in our hearts. If there is a way of joining the putney painters group online? I would love to know how this is possible.

    I attach two photos of my recent paintings, both of which were inspired by the generosity of artists. I will put into the cooking pot of my mind the gems gleamed from this webinar and something shall surely spring forth in a short while.

    in the mean time, a poem for Nancy:

    Angels at work or play we may not see,

    was that a cliff we nearly fell? saved by the screach of brakes!

    taken out of reach, no harm this day, a flap of heavenly wings sighing with relief.

    laying down to rest our blessed one, we remember his look that warm smile

    beams upon us as our own eyes weap tears of joy, knowing united in soul.

    he sleeps, we take rest, knowing

    angels at work not seen.

    kindest regards. Angus


Hello Nancy and her crew!

Thank you so very much for the opportunity to really get to know Richard through the so many lives he touched! The hard effort made by so many people was amazing to witness.

I really learned so much in my 25 hours of watching!!!

Attached is my tribute to the modern master himself. Wishing you all creativity, peace, love and laughter!!

Cheers, Andrea

VICKY LIN - Taiwan - UK

Dear Nancy,

Thank you for this wonderful event! All the stories were very touched, cry several times when I saw any of you cry.

…I'm 45 years old now, and I will continue my Alla Prima journey in the future. Don't know if I could be able to really understand the method one day, but if I can, I wish I could teach Alla Prima in my language. I wish can help people who like me before, always think painting just a dream, always put it on a to do list but never have the courage and ability to start. Even I haven't started to sell my painting, but I already received some requests for purchase. Thanks Richard gave me the second chance to complete my dream since I was a child.

  • VICKY LIN - Taiwan - UK

    Dear Nancy,

    Thank you for this wonderful event! All the stories were very touched, cry several times when I saw any of you cry.

    I was a professional makeup artist who works in the fashion industry for over 23 years. Born in Taiwan, just moved to UK few years ago. Since Covid-19 happened and lockdown several times in UK, I felt very depressed for a while. At the end, I decided to drop off my make-up career which I loved very much, and pick up my childhood dream--- painting!

    I learned drawing and acrylic painting a bit before, but I wanted to focus on oil painting now. Since end of 2020, I started to practice oil painting by myself, and gather informations from internet.

    I found many painters I love , they either learn from Richard before, or got influence from his books.

    After saw lots of Richard's paintings and all his videos on YouTube ,I decided to buy Alla Prima II . But the day I decided to purchase it, I saw people started to talk about his death on internet.

    After I got the book and saw the way he painted , felt his love for art, I knew I found the path I want to be in the future. Unfortunately even I lived in UK, but my English isn't good enough to understand all he wrote on the book.

    Before I know Alla Prima, I always feel pressure to paint landscape and flowers! But since I live in UK, I really want to catch the beautiful nature on my canvas.

    As too slow reading, I purchased Daniel Keys’ (which I love very much too!) download video to speed up my learning! Watch videos, read Alla Prima II and practice, practice , practice, become my daily routine!

    After several months' practice (also added some rosemary brushes really helpful too), I do feel improvement on my paintings. I don't feel scary anymore when I want to start a landscape or floral painting, and start to enjoy!

    I wish I could know Richard earlier, even wish I could have the chance to meet him. So envy so many painters could have chance to paint with him, but when I know him already too late to dream more. Also wish you could be able to translate Alla Prima II to Mandarin and other languages, his knowledge is too precious, shouldn't only spread in people who know English.

    I'm 45 years old now, and I will continue my Alla Prima journey in the future. Don't know if I could be able to really understand the method one day, but if I can, I wish I could teach Alla Prima in my language. I wish can help people who like me before, always think painting just a dream, always put it on a to do list but never have the courage and ability to start. Even I haven't started to sell my painting, but I already received some requests for purchase. Thanks Richard gave me the second chance to complete my dream since I was a child.

    I have some paintings after I read Alla Prima II.

    Best wishes



Hi Symi, Nancy, and Penelope,

Thank you for all of the hard work that you all put into that tender, beautiful and most memorable tribute to Richard. My heart was broken open by all the love and sweet memories that were shared by all. I truly felt like part of the family. The love between all of you was absolutely palpable. 

Thank you so very much! 🙏💕

Be Well, Linda Marcille

SANDRA WHYTE - New Zealand

Thank you all so much for a lovely weekend devoted to Richard Schmid remembrance.

Chatting with you Nancy left me rather star struck and words seemed to evade me. 

My partner Michael is terminal with cancer and only has a few months left. I've just completed a painting of him which I will attach along with an image of my charts in progress.

I find it hard to find time to paint while caring for him but I'm redoing my paint charts, as just a line or two each day is progress at the moment. I was doing these as I lost a lot of sleep and tears over the weekend for a wonderful cause, to celebrate the life of Richard Schmid. My hero. His teaching took my art to the next level. Now I feel milage will cement my learnings and further my career. Eternally grateful.


    Hello Nancy, Symi and Joe,

    Thank you all so much for a lovely weekend devoted to Richard Schmid remembrance.

    Chatting with you Nancy left me rather star struck and words seemed to evade me.

    My partner Michael is terminal with cancer and only has a few months left. I've just completed a painting of him which I will attach along with an image of my charts in progress.

    I find it hard to find time to paint while caring for him but I'm redoing my paint charts, as just a line or two each day is progress at the moment. I was doing these as I lost a lot of sleep and tears over the weekend for a wonderful cause, to celebrate the life of Richard Schmid. My hero. His teaching took my art to the next level. Now I feel milage will cement my learnings and further my career. Eternally grateful.

    Don't forget, there's a bed here for you all when you come to New Zealand!

    Hugs and kisses.

    Kind regards,

    Sandra Whyte


Dear Nancy, Symi and Joe

I want to send you my gratitude and my love for this beautiful celebration you have organize on October 2 and 3. It was a great moment for us to discover the wonderful human being who was Richard behind the amazing Master. All that memories shared by those who know him, paint a portrait which will never leave our heart.


    Dear Nancy, Symi and Joe

    I want to send you my gratitude and my love for this beautiful celebration you have organize on October 2 and 3. It was a great moment for us to discover the wonderful human being who was Richard behind the amazing Master. All that memories shared by those who know him, paint a portrait which will never leave our heart.

    Here in France I discover his work on internet while looking for snow scene. So it seems obvious for me to do one during the Paintathon.

    I hope one day to see your Putney communitie.

    I wish you the best. Take care all of you and your family. We will never stop talking about Richard Schmid 🥰😊

    Best Regards M.Bichebois

BOAT IN THE HARBOR oil, 14 x 11


Hello Nancy:

Thank you very much for such a great tribute to Celebrate Richard Schmid.

I admire both Richard and you.

Sorry for your Loss..

I love Richards book “Alla Prima” and his paintings; and I am very excited you are going to publish his new book.

I participated on Paint-A-Thon on Saturday. I also painted along with Cherry during Sunday event; but I still have to work on my painting to finish it.

Thank you, and thanks to all guest artists! Such a great event! I was very happy to be part of it.

Thank you, Tatiana



I’ve been listening for 12 or 13 hours today and it has been a gift, truly the loveliest company and I’ve heard some great things that I will carry with me.

I bought Alla Prima 2 last night! It’s the closest way I can get to being taught by Richard, it really has been what I’ve been needing. His work moved me and I’m happy to discover the treasure in his books he has given. I want to adopt some new techniques that I didn’t think possible and I’m so excited that it is!

I revisited this one today and smiled the whole time through the detail work. Thank you, all of you, for this special gathering today and for sharing so much greatness ❤️ - Nicole Smith


…is tribute to Richard helped me realize that I wanted better instruction to help me develop my own voice. I had read Alla Prima along the way!  So I have pulled my studio copy out and been re-reading it!  Learning never ends!
… when this came up to honor Richard and his work I really wanted to see it and be part of it.  He had such a profound influence on so many of us aspiring artists that he definitely deserved this this beautiful Tribute.  I am only sorry that I never had the privilege of taking classes with him.  I would have loved to have met him and benefitted from his critiques. 
Thank you Nancy for all you have done for Richard all of us artists!
Truly,  Laura Fischer Saxon


    Dear Nancy, Thank you so much for letting me know.  Computers are not my thing.

    And I am Laura Fischer Saxon, my husband Jamie is not an artist but we share the computer. 

    My story is that I saw Richard on TV when I was in elementary school in Virginia in the 1960’s.  I had experience in finger painting as my mother made those for us to play with.  I did lots of paintings and asked for a brush.

    So when I saw his instruction I really wanted to learn how to paint better.  I loved his message and attitude!

    I took lessons when and wherever I could.  So I am a lifelong artist.

    I earned my BFA in Drawing and Painting at the University of Louisiana in Lafayette and attended Grad School at University of New Orleans.

    I had studied classical drawing and painting early on but wanted to be a Contemporary Artist so I studied a lot of Color and Design.

    I was doing large scale color striped paintings, making one color appear as another color!  So fun!  I won the top award in the Student Show and my teachers love them.  I was asked to teach at the ULL Craft shop, which I did for about seven years  before I went to Grad School.

    But at the time people here were not buying abstract paintings.  So I kept being in gallery shows and not selling much.

    I went to Grad school and felt like I had lost my Artist’s Hand, so did a lot of large charcoal drawings.  Automatic drawings.  And low and behold, they turned out to be figurative!  Go figure!  So I took more figure drawing classes.  And the teachers were not pleased!  So I left there and worked.  Still showing my work in galleries.

    Then I lost everything in the flooding of Hurricane Katrina!  I couldn’t paint for a while.

    Then I saw a Paint-by-Numbers in the store and the dog looked a lot like my dog, but a different breed.  The same colors.  So I bought it and it had a brush, paints and something to paint on all for $11!  SOLD!!  And I changed it to be a portrait of my Caanan Dog. Sampson!

    My friend we were staying with asked me to do a painting of her dog.  I refused, saying that I don’t do dog portraits.  She said, “Well I’ll pay you!”  So I did. Then I painted cats, dogs, grandmas and babies for friends and relatives.  Some were commissions and some gifts.

    I was asked to teach Watercolor at the Lakeview Shepherd Center, so I did that for several years.  In addition, I decided to take classes, as I’m not a portrait painter.  The founder and Director of the New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts, Auseklis Ozols, invited me to participate in the Student Show.  But I had no work to submit.  I was almost finished with the dog portrait so he said, “Well put that one in!”  I did and marked it NFS.

    And then, to my surprise, four people wanted to buy it!  LOL!! 

    So I took classes there for many years.  I enjoyed each teacher and each class.

    I won the Color and Design Award and then the Drawing Award, but never a Painting Award.  I learned the Indirect Painting technique and liked it.  They taught more Alla Prima.  My brain just didn’t work that way!  So I finally got in the Advanced Landscape Painting Class and forgot how enjoyable that was!

    Auseklis Ozols was my instructor and he really helped me and liked my work. He is Latvian and won a top prize at the National Arts Club in NY when he was young.

    Then he invited me to be in his Advanced Still Life Class and I took that for a couple of years.  I loved his projects.  He asked us to paint a Self-Portrait which I always hated to do.  So I did that. The last one I did was Ice in a Glass.  I made it into a Manhattan Cocktail!  I painted three of them.  He liked them, but I didn’t want to be known as the Cocktail Painter!  So I graduated myself.

    To keep painting I joined local Art Guilds and was in local shows in this area.  I won several prizes, People’s Choice, Best in Show, First Place, Second Place.

    Then I participated in Plein Air Events.  One with Auseklis, another in Jackson MS, the Brandywine Plein Air Competition, An invitational at the NO Botanical Gardens, with the Urban Sketchers of New Orleans at the AIA office,  the Shadows on The Teche Plein Air Competition.  Also I have been showing in various galleries.  One in Manhattan and two in the Los Angeles area.

    When Covid hit, my gallery shows and events stopped.  So I started daily painting again with Eric Rhoads.  I signed up for Plein Air Live and Realism Live.  It was great to be painting again.  I painted diverse landscapes not found here in New Orleans, portraits and still lifes.  Some from photos but most from videos.  I loved that, as I wanted to learn how to paint anything.  So I painted a beach in the Netherlands with Ross Schuring and a whole box of paintings!

    But I was all over the place.  So I wanted to re-group. I have actually been in fourteen art shows in the past two years!  Too much!!

    This tribute to Richard helped me realize that I wanted better instruction to help me develop my own voice. I had read Alla Prima along the way!  So I have pulled my studio copy out and been re-reading it!  Learning never ends!

    I had actually signed up and joined the Putney Painters after painting in Brandywine.  I thought I could drive up there to paint.  Richard was kind enough to invite me.  But unfortunately, I never could go.  And then you moved.  So I lost my chance.  Then you had his Birthday Retrospective and were selling some of his paintings.  I had wanted to buy a Nasturtium Painting that he did as a demo, but I think someone else beat me to it!  Lol!

    So when this came up to honor Richard and his work I really wanted to see it and be part of it.  He had such a profound influence on so many of us aspiring artists that he definitely deserved this this beautiful Tribute.  I am only sorry that I never had the privilege of taking classes with him.  I would have loved to have met him and benefitted from his critiques. 

    Thank you Nancy for all you have done for Richard all of us artists!

    I appreciated your personal reply.

    Truly,  Laura Fischer Saxon

    PS- I am giving a Demo in Water Miscible Oil Painting at the Metairie Art Guild meeting on October 13, 2021!  This week!  Nice!! I remember Richard’s fee: Pass it on!


Finished this painting during today’s tributes to Richard Schmid. From doing my color charts recently I could find colors in the fish that I had not painted before.

What a legacy he leaves with all the wonderful artists that now teach using his books.

Thanks for a wonderful event! God bless you all. Pat Wattam



Dear Nancy & Simi,

I was honored to have participated in the October 2nd Celebrating Richard Schmidt event! I was greatly enriched by the entire experience. Knowing that I was included in a worldwide fellowship pf artists was inspiring and the highlight of my painting journey. I devoted both all-day Saturday and Sunday to listening and learning.

I have only been oil painting (mostly portraiture) for five years after being prompted to "try it" by a store clerk at a framing store. I had always admired art and loved visiting museums all over the world, but never thought about me personally painting - I did not even know how to hold a paintbrush. I do want to improve my ability and continue learning through study and association with other artists. However, this desire is difficult to achieve where I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma (USA). I have Richard's Alla Prima ll Everything I Know About Painting book and enjoy his warm humor while teaching painting theory and unmatched technique. I am in my second year of enrollment in Tina Garrett's Fundamental's Mentorship Group presented monthly via Facebook. I do attribute my increasing knowledge of techniques in painting portraits to this virtual class.


    Dear Nancy & Simi,

    I was honored to have participated in the October 2nd Celebrating Richard Schmidt event! I was greatly enriched by the entire experience. Knowing that I was included in a worldwide fellowship pf artists was inspiring and the highlight of my painting journey. I devoted both all-day Saturday and Sunday to listening and learning.

    I have only been oil painting (mostly portraiture) for five years after being prompted to "try it" by a store clerk at a framing store. I had always admired art and loved visiting museums all over the world, but never thought about me personally painting - I did not even know how to hold a paintbrush. I do want to improve my ability and continue learning through study and association with other artists. However, this desire is difficult to achieve where I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma (USA). I have Richard's Alla Prima ll Everything I Know About Painting book and enjoy his warm humor while teaching painting theory and unmatched technique. I am in my second year of enrollment in Tina Garrett's Fundamental's Mentorship Group presented monthly via Facebook. I do attribute my increasing knowledge of techniques in painting portraits to this virtual class.

    Humbly, as a mere fledgling, I am grateful to have this opportunity to submit my painting that I was working on during the Paint-A-Thon. This is the first one in my series of portraits entitled "Our Unseen Neighbors" which will hopefully honor and dignify the homeless, marginalized people in my community.


    Jayne L. Reed



Hi there,

It's honoured to be in part of this event. Pity I never met or been learned from him, but watched videos of Richard's painting and so many excellent students he ever taught. I admired a lot of Michelle Dunaway, Lipking, Rose Frentzen, Daniel... just named few... Can't wait to see you all tomorrow. Thank you

Lijuan McQuillan from Ireland


Hi Nancy, Big hugs! I was just in the paint a thon. So very wonderful. My heart is bursting and I am so grateful not only for you and Richard but also for being in the spirit of , memory of his kindness and generosity. I have studied with Michelle and Jeremy and have studied Richard’s books and the teachings of his students.

Here is my gift to you and Richard from the paint a thon. I still have so much to learn painting wise but I have never felt more joy then being with you all painting together. I have been at Symi’s for many workshops to learn there with them. Symi and Joe did such a full heart beautiful event.

Much love and I would love to learn from you and paint together. I was living in LA but now in Ohio closer!

Much love from the bottom of my heart.


    Dear Nancy,

    I am writing back to tell you of my story.

    Again, I truly enjoyed the love and sweetness at the celebration online.

    Thank you all for bringing us together to collectively share the depth of appreciation and love we have for Richard, you and the art community as a whole. A community which has found itself through Richard, his paintings, his book and his full-hearted generosity.

    I would have loved to have met and studied with Richard however the gift bestowed to me from Richard was his book which I have read over and over. I have underlined and gone back to reference it while painting.. His other gift was his students who were accessible to me to study with and learn a great deal from their art, workshops, weekly classes and instructional videos. One of which was Michelle Dunaway at Rosemary’s in Yorkshire, England who loves Richard so deeply that between every brush stroke ran the song of great respect and awe for her mentor and friend. We felt it and it was imbued upon us all. It is a reverence of heart, spirit, grace and fortitude.

    One of the schools, that I studied at weekly was California Art Institute. That is where I was first introduced to RIchard’s book where Aaron Westerberg and Jeremy Lipking taught.

    Years later when it was time for Richard’s Retrospective many of these teachers and lovers of Richard

    all went to see him and his art in my parent’s home town of Youngstown, Ohio.

    It felt like a really big deal that it was at the Butler Wick Museum. The museum, my first museum to visit as a child that influenced the love of painting.

    Now, we all grow together in gratitude, in our generosity as teachers for each other on his wings of wise creative genius, kind heartedness and the legacy of astoundingly beautiful paintings.

    God bless you sir. God bless all you have touched, guided and nourished. May you always know how much you are loved.

    All the many blessings your way Nancy always for being the equally transcendent being of light and visionary

    companion in all that has enriched his life, your family’s lives, your extended family and friend’s lives with the Putney Painters.

    And so it goes…


    Debra Gangale



Thank you for the gift of such a wonderful event!
I have been inspired by Richard’s books and DVDs. As I watched and re-watched his DVD I asked myself ‘what is it that sets this artist above everyone else?’ besides infinite wisdom and experience. I found the passion and emotion in each brushstroke was truly exceptional.

Trying to portray that kind of passion in my painting is the ultimate goal along with incorporating the wisdom he generously shared in the books. I sent a 80th birthday card to Richard and was so surprised when I received a thank you card. It is something I will always treasure.

Thanks so much, Gail.

FALL HARVEST oil, 11x14


Dear Nancy and all who participated throughout the 10/2-10/3 tribute to your dear husband, Richard Schmid. Thank you for all that you all shared during this incredible weekend. I know of Richard through Clayton Beck, the Alla Prima II and the landscape books.

My heart goes out to you Nancy in losing Richard. I lost my husband, Joe, this past February 15th. Words cannot describe the feelings of loss and grief, but moving forward in their memories and through our art is so important. God bless you for all that you are doing in his name so that others might carry on through your example. I’ve attached the 11X14” oil painting that I just completed in one sitting yesterday titled “Fall Harvest”.

I hope you enjoy it.
With much love to you, Carol Chirafisi


Dear Nancy, Symi, Joe

Thank you so much for such a unique program, connecting world art fraternity celebrating the artist of the Century, Richard Schmid.

It was so inspiring to paint today in rhythm of the masters who are nurtured with Richard Philosophy of art and life.

Thank you so much

God bless you all for reaching out to all corners of the world to celebrate a legend of Art.

Gayatri Mehta


Mumbai, India

FREEDOM’S DANCE oil, 8 x 8


I cannot express enough, my gratitude for the opportunity to join in on this event celebrating the life and art of The late great Richard Schmid. What an inspiring two days of testimony from those who knew and loved Richard.

My favorite Richard Schmid quote, printed and taped to my easel, “Think of edges the way you would think about kissing someone”…

The attached painting, “Freedom’s Dance” 8” x 8” oil on canvas was inspired by Richard’s love of warmth in his paintings and finished while listening to the zoom celebration. Expressing the jubilance in this wild horse’s dance made me think of how Richard must have felt watching down on all of us as we celebrated him and vowed to pass on all he contributed to each of us about painting, passion and art.


    I cannot express enough, my gratitude for the opportunity to join in on this event celebrating the life and art of The late great Richard Schmid. What an inspiring two days of testimony from those who knew and loved Richard.

    Nancy Guzman’s voice was so soothing and gentle as she expressed her joy and excitement at the thoughts, feelings and artwork shared live on screen by viewers and attendees alike. Such a warm, caring daughter is a true testament to the man that Richard was. I’m sorry I never had the opportunity to know him but I have spent countless hours in the company of his books, my primary learning source for my own artwork. I started painting at the age of 56, challenged by co-worker, and discovered a talent I didn’t know I had. I’ve been struggling to learn all there is to know about oil painting ever since and have made it my lifetime goal.

    My favorite Richard Schmid quote, printed and taped to my easel, “Think of edges the way you would think about kissing someone”…

    The attached painting, “Freedom’s Dance” 8” x 8” oil on canvas was inspired by Richard’s love of warmth in his paintings and finished while listening to the zoom celebration. Expressing the jubilance in this wild horse’s dance made me think of how Richard must have felt watching down on all of us as we celebrated him and vowed to pass on all he contributed to each of us about painting, passion and art.


I am Jane, and am Dutch, and live in England with my English husband. Unfortunately I only discovered 'Alla Prima' a few months ago, but it has become my bedtime reading and I love it. Also I found Michelle's film of her interview with you from last year, and feel that I got to know you both a little bit through that.

I am very sorry about your loss, but admire you for carrying on the work and promoting love and joy among artists everywhere.


    Dear Nancy

    I am Jane, and am Dutch, and live in England with my English husband.

    Unfortunately I only discovered 'Alla Prima' a few months ago, but it has become my bedtime reading and I love it.

    Also I found Michelle's film of her interview with you from last year, and feel that I got to know you both a little bit through that.

    I am very sorry about your loss, but admire you for carrying on the work and promoting love and joy among artists everywhere.

    Today I painted along while watching the Celebration of Richard's life, and am sorry that I didn't know about Richard when he was doing workshops in England, I could have learnt so much more. I have an awful lot to learn, and I am just about to start on the mixing colour sheets. I am sure that will be very helpful.

    Attached is what I painted today.

    With love and gratitude



Hi dear Nancy.

I like to share with you this portrait I made with Panpastel on Canson Mi Teintes toned paper..

I’m an artist from Costa Rica, Central America. I participate in the tribute and I am deeply honored for this.

I like to thank you from my heart and congratulate you for being a very strong woman.

Dear Richard, I was unable to meet you in person and that makes me very sad. However, I am happy to know that I will always have your advice and your teachings through all the material you left and through your students. Thank you for so much generosity and wisdom.

An artist from Costa Rica. Patrizia Gallo.



Hello, I am Jennifer H. Bartlett. I have enjoyed painting grapes and watching tribute to Richard Schmid today!!! Love all!


Thank you so much for yesterday. 

I started painting in the studio, then took the show on the road to my sister-in-laws birthday party, where I painted on her deck en Plein air and finished up last night back in the studio with all of you. 

What an amazing experience!!! 

Today, I am taking you along with me to the Art Students league where I teach the children’s class in studio 11 from 1:00-4:00. 

Children are ages 8-12 years old.  


    Dear Nancy, Symi and her amazing team, 

    Thank you so much for yesterday. 

    I started painting in the studio, then took the show on the road to my sister-in-laws birthday party, where I painted on her deck en Plein air and finished up last night back in the studio with all of you. 

    What an amazing experience!!! 

    Today, I am taking you along with me to the Art Students league where I teach the children’s class in studio 11 from 1:00-4:00. 

    Children are ages 8-12 years old.  

    I will have my computer on, but I have to cover the camera on my end because I do not have permission to show the children. However, I would love to share this wonderful tribute with them. 

    I am also going to mute the volume because someone might slip a word or two of bad words. Lol Better to err on the side of caution instead of apologizing to parents. 

    Thank you for sharing with all of us!  

    Much love,

    Amy DiGi ;) 


However, Richard put us right at ease with his easy banter, his true interest in who we were and what we had done in life, and his engaging stories.  I have never forgotten his generosity of spirit toward us.  Since I was the worker-bee on the event, he could have have ignored me and concentrated on the other attendees at our table, who were most likely buyers.  Instead, he was a true gentleman and made our night a memorable joy.  

Afterwards, I was always interested in following Richard's career and admired his creations from afar.  What a remarkable artist—and man.  I wish I could have known him better, but I feel we got a glimpse of what a good, genuine and sincere man he was for everyone he met,


    Many years ago, I was the Executive Assistant for the Artists of America show in Denver.  I held that position for ten years.

    One year, at the Artists’ Reception, the night before the gala, my late husband and I were seated with Richard at a table for eight or ten people. I was a little nervous about the dinner, as I always was in such awe of these many prominently-known master artists.  

    However, Richard put us right at ease with his easy banter, his true interest in who we were and what we had done in life, and his engaging stories.  I have never forgotten his generosity of spirit toward us.  Since I was the worker-bee on the event, he could have have ignored me and concentrated on the other attendees at our table, who were most likely buyers.  Instead, he was a true gentleman and made our night a memorable joy.  

    Afterwards, I was always interested in following Richard's career and admired his creations from afar.  What a remarkable artist—and man.  I wish I could have known him better, but I feel we got a glimpse of what a good, genuine and sincere man he was for everyone he met,



What a hoot. That was fun, painting along with you all. Thank you for sharing your love of painting and Richard’s knowledge. And for letting us all into the room.

An incredible gift.

WOMAN pencil on paper


…It’s great to celebrate Richard together on 2nd and 3rd October 2021. It is my precious memory to do it with you and my big art family. Although I never meet Richard, I always feel that I am naturally connected with him. In my heart, Richard is my mentor. He taught me how to see things and how to paint. I love that Richard and Nancy say ‘We create love through our paintings to make the world a better place.’ I suddenly understand why I get the ability to draw and paint and what my mission is. I will fulfil my mission as Richard did perfectly and gracefully.

I love what he said ‘You go in and it's kind of like a dance between you and your canvas and your model and your brushes and your colours. Just find joy in that process of laying down paint.’ I am in the early stage of my painting journey. I share with you the painting which I was working on during the celebration weekend. It’s my first self-portrait. It’s in the early stage of this painting. There are lots of things which I still need to work on. I also share a drawing which I did before. Nowadays when I draw or paint, I always remind myself to draw or paint with love and joy. It makes me feel good!


    Dear Nancy and Symi,

    Hope all is well. It’s great to celebrate Richard together on 2nd and 3rd October 2021. It is my precious memory to do it with you and my big art family. Although I never meet Richard, I always feel that I am naturally connected with him. In my heart, Richard is my mentor. He taught me how to see things and how to paint.

    I love that Richard and Nancy say ‘We create love through our paintings to make the world a better place.’ I suddenly understand why I get the ability to draw and paint and what my mission is. I will fulfill my mission as Richard did perfectly and gracefully.

    I love what he said ‘You go in and it's kind of like a dance between you and your canvas and your model and your brushes and your colours. Just find joy in that process of laying down paint.’ I am in the early stage of my painting journey. I share with you the painting which I was working on during the celebration weekend. It’s my first self-portrait. It’s in the early stage of this painting. There are lots of things which I still need to work on. I also share a drawing which I did before. Nowadays when I draw or paint, I always remind myself to draw or paint with love and joy. It makes me feel good!

    Sending a lot of love to Richard, Nancy, their families and Symi! I love you deeply and I am always there for you, my big art family!

    All is well.



Also being new in my art journey, a little over a year (I don’t know the ‘who’s who’). I also do not know a single person at this event and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried, while listening to strangers talk…who don’t feel, at all, like strangers. All of the words that have been spoken at this event, about you, Richard and the book, resonate with me immensely. I have to be careful to not read Alla Prima ll in bed, because it keeps me so engaged and inspired, I can’t sleep. Which is a wonderful thing, as long as you don’t have a day job that you need, to support the addiction of painting. Such a beautiful event. Thank you.  

I would be honored to share Richards Lillies. His book is so powerful, I truly felt his presence as he coached me thru this painting.

  • Lynn Rondeau

    Hi Nancy

    I was studying edges, reading chapter six and painted this on April 20 2021, having no idea of what was happening in your world. And for this reason I felt compelled to write you a note and share. 

    Also being new in my art journey, a little over a year (I don’t know the ‘who’s who’). I also do not know a single person at this event and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve cried, while listening to strangers talk…who don’t feel, at all, like strangers. All of the words that have been spoken at this event, about you, Richard and the book, resonate with me immensely. I have to be careful to not read Alla Prima ll in bed, because it keeps me so engaged and inspired, I can’t sleep. Which is a wonderful thing, as long as you don’t have a day job that you need, to support the addiction of painting. Such a beautiful event. Thank you.  

    I joined the Zoom last night (super new to zoom too!!) just after midnight. not really knowing what to do. I was painting and Symi spotlighted me…..instantly tongue-tied. Couldn’t speak. and this is what I have been doodling with thru the event. 

    I would be honored to share Richards Lillies. His book is so powerful, I truly felt his presence as he coached me thru this painting.

    Thank you all so much ❤️Lynn Rondeau 


It's so difficult to put into words the loss I'm feeling with Richard's passing. Though we are complete strangers and yet he's so familiar. He understands me and my art journey and he knows the exact thing I'm going through as an artist. A stranger but yet a friend who does not know me personally but knows exactly what to tell me. He just says the things I needed to hear through so many artists I admire and through his wonderful Alla Prima II book. I'm so thankful to be able to be a part of this art community.


    It's so difficult to put into words the loss I'm feeling with Richard's passing. Though we are complete strangers and yet he's so familiar. He understands me and my art journey and he knows the exact thing I'm going through as an artist. A stranger but yet a friend who does not know me personally but knows exactly what to tell me. He just says the things I needed to hear through so many artists I admire and through his wonderful Alla Prima II book. I'm so thankful to be able to be a part of this art community.

    I gravitated towards artists who were mentored by him. It was through them that I got to know him even better, through them, I see his kindness and through them, I am a better artist today. I painted this painting because of Richard's love of the outdoors/portraits, colors and I tried his approach in implying shapes with less brush strokes. I love you Richard and Nancy, more than you know. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Susan Lim


Hi! I am Coleen Barnhart from Waynesboro, GA, but I am joining the Richard Schmid Paint-a-thon from my Grandmother’s living room in Bridgewater, Va! Grandmother is a 96 year old former oil painter, so she is joining us too. 😊

Richard had a huge impact on my painting education and career starting when I met my art mentor Katie Garner when I was in my early teens. She handed me his book Alla Prima as an art class assignment. I took it home and devoured every word in a single week. Since then I have read and reread that book over and over. Time to start again!

One of the biggest takeaways from his teaching that I remember as an “Aha!” moment was when he wrote “Why not put down each brushstroke correctly the first time?” It’s actually faster to paint slower in the long run. 💡


    Hi! I am Coleen Barnhart from Waynesboro, GA, but I am joining the Richard Schmid Paint-a-thon from my Grandmother’s living room in Bridgewater, Va! Grandmother is a 96 year old former oil painter, so she is joining us too. 😊

    Richard had a huge impact on my painting education and career starting when I met my art mentor Katie Garner when I was in my early teens. She handed me his book Alla Prima as an art class assignment. I took it home and devoured every word in a single week. Since then I have read and reread that book over and over. Time to start again!

    One of the biggest takeaways from his teaching that I remember as an “Aha!” moment was when he wrote “Why not put down each brushstroke correctly the first time?” It’s actually faster to paint slower in the long run. 💡

    I was finally able to meet him at the Portrait Society of America conference in 2017 when he signed one of his books for me. He couldn’t possible know how meaningful that moment was for me.

    When he actually sent back cards to everyone who sent him a birthday card, I couldn’t believe it! Of course, I treasure that little piece of himself which he so generously shared.

    Thank you for having this lovely celebration of his life. It continues his spirit of wisdom & generosity.

    Coleen Barnhart



Hi there, I am moved when I view Richard’s art.  And I haven’t even had the opportunity to behold any of it in person, so I can only imagine what the depth of my feelings would be. Participating in the weekend of painting in honor of Richard was a profound experience for me.  I felt enormously inspired to produce a beautiful piece…

I feel so fortunate to be familiar with Richard’s books, his art and the way he lived his life.  He and Nancy are a remarkable couple whose lives are a testament to their love of painting and each other. Thank you so much,


    Hi there, I am moved when I view Richard’s art.  And I haven’t even had the opportunity to behold any of it in person, so I can only imagine what the depth of my feelings would be. Participating in the weekend of painting in honor of Richard was a profound experience for me.  I felt enormously inspired to produce a beautiful piece.  I don’t want to spend much time dwelling on the negative – as I don’t believe Richard would have, or wanted me to – but I do want to explain that I’m not in the habit of painting alla prima.  Often I use my own references and I let my oil dry in layers, working on multiple pieces at a time.  The lesson overall was significant, though, in terms of providing a release from my usual routine and imbuing the experience with enormous joy, just imagining how Richard painted and taught.  The small painting isn’t as lovely as I believe Richard deserves, but it honestly reflects a few hours of my time being present, reflective, grateful and humbled.

    I feel so fortunate to be familiar with Richard’s books, his art and the way he lived his life.  He and Nancy are a remarkable couple whose lives are a testament to their love of painting and each other. Thank you so much,

    Zoey Zamarripa



Grateful for Richard who had the spirit.



Thank you. I’m usually kind of quiet, but once I came out of the shadows and started talking it just felt comforting.  I logged onto  Zoom Saturday around 1 PM East Coast time. My first sight was you using a tissue and I believe you had said “I’ve just finished my first box of tissues”. It was so touching. The fact that we could see everyone’s vulnerability was so special. Let me just warn you, when you reach my age if you’re a waterworks now you’re in big trouble. I never used to cry,  and in the last few years my filters have been stripped away. I can lose it in about 1/ 10th of a second and frequently do. And at this point, I’m going to say that’s just fine. 



    Thank you. I’m usually kind of quiet, but once I came out of the shadows and started talking it just felt comforting..  I logged onto  Zoom Saturday around 1 PM East Coast time. My first sight was you using a tissue and I believe you had said “I’ve just finished my first box of tissues”. It was so touching. The fact that we could see everyone’s vulnerability was so special. Let me just warn you, when you reach my age if you’re a waterworks now you’re in big trouble. I never used to cry,  and in the last few years my filters have been stripped away. I can lose it in about 1/ 10th of a second and frequently do. And at this point, I’m going to say that’s just fine. 

    I finished a phone call with  Penelope and Lori   just an hour ago.  I’m still finding comfort talking with people as we wind down. And I wasn’t even involved in the planning.

    Joe’s work continues. Poor guy. I will DEFINITELY be logging on to see what I missed that used up your whole box of tissues.

    I’m guessing your day is still loaded with things to do, but I can see that it’s happy hour at least. Hope you can have another wine and get some rest.

    Love, Dick


Hello Nancy, Symi and Joe,

Thank you for organizing this event. I joined the paintalong today and created this painting in watercolor from my image, which I had on the computer as I watched.the event. This is for inclusion in your gallery. Just a few words about Richard:

Richard Schmid's work is astounding and his work is so accurate, but not photographic, painterly and well thought out. I have Alla Prima II, and have done his swatches, which I consider to be time invested in myself. I have watched his videos and he lays every stroke with care and finesse, even when it is a swish of a brush. It never looks studied, but never careless.

Thank you for this opportunity. Gee


I am really thankful for letting me be part of this past weekend event and letting me be part of your amazing community.
Here I attached the alla-prima style painting I did of the photo of Richard Schmid that Symi posted on Instagram, on his birthday. I hope it turned out ok.
His memory will last for generations to come and he will continue to inspire new artists through his work, his books, and his amazing students. I am grateful to be introduced to this amazing artist, and I hope to continue learning from him and all other artists he inspired and thought.
Hope to see you all soon,
Thanks again,
- Melika (Rose)


URVASHI PATEL - United Kingdom

…I ordered Alla Prima 2 and starting to learn from him and I feel he speaks to me directly. 

…When I came across Richard , I wanted to learn more about him. I searched and found Video interview of You and Richard with Michelle Dunaway.

I really loved it and happy to know about Richard and You. I love how you both made those little funny sketches before you go to sleep.

It was lovely to know about him and you during this paintathon.

Thank you so much for doing this for us.

Love, Urvashi Patel 


    Hi Nancy,

    My heart is with you. I didn’t know Richard until one month ago. I recently started learning oil painting. I was an abstract artist going towards impressionist way.

    I came across Richard through Daniel Keys.

    I quickly looked up and found out about his passing made me so sad.

    I ordered Alla Prima 2 and starting to learn from him and I feel he speaks to me directly.

    I want to share one portrait I did during the zoom paintathon of a Chinese drama character named “Bai Jue”.

    This is my 3rd Portrait so still learning.

    I also tried to paint this chicken from Alla Prima 2.I really love this gestural and expressive brush strokes.

    When I came across Richard , I wanted to learn more about him. I searched and found Video interview of You and Richard with Michelle Dunaway.

    I really loved it and happy to know about Richard and You. I love how you both made those little funny sketches before you go to sleep.

    It was lovely to know about him and you during this paintathon.

    Thank you so much for doing this for us.


    Urvashi Patel



Thank you for doing this wonderful tribute. I’m 71 this year and I have been painting for five years. This is a plein air acrylic I did from my porch while listening to testimonials. Like Sherry, I am determined to make the most of my lifelong love for art.

I do pastel and acrylic painting and was recently in two shows. I’m a fan on Alla Prima II. Nancy, you are the embodiment of love! I’ll be painting tomorrow as well. Here is my pastel which is also a pastel plein air painting, titled Preacher Road.

Susan Daily



Hello dear Nancy, Symi and Joe,

I want to thank you again for the magnificent opportunity to get to know my hero much closer and all of you, especially Nancy, who is so loving and talented. With a little bit of delay but much love I would like to share with you what I painted with your company on honor to Richard.
Big hug from Costa Rica.
Also, I don’t know if you have consider printing Alla Prima in Spanish? I think it would reach a much broader audience benefiting a lot more people who are in need of such knowledge. I would offer to contribute my time in the technical translation if and when that could be possible! And of course to spread the news in Latin America. Just a thought! :)
With much appreciation, Jeannina Blanco

“Art is an act of Love"

JEFF EICKHOFF - Netherlands

Hi Nancy and everyone,

Here is my painting from today’s wonderful paint-along tribute to Richard.

Thank you so much for your generosity. 💙

Cheers from the Netherlands.

Jeff Eickhoff.



Thanks a ton for putting together the wonderful event to bring artists all over the world to celebrate Master artist Richard Schmid. I’m not good with words in expressing feelings but Sherry West said it perfectly that some of us ‘Have to paint’ whether we are good or not and Richard has influenced all levels of artists. 

Here I’m attaching a picture of me painting in tribute to Richard and my study of one of his paintings in the background. I love his spontaneous backgrounds as much as his main subjects.

Thank you, Aruna Nitin Sarode @arunanitinart



Dear Nancy,

Thank you for the kind reply. As you mentioned today, let's make this be the beginning of something beautiful. I am honored to be part of it, thank you for giving us this opportunity. I did not have a chance to meet Richard in person. But his books and paintings have a profound influence on the way I pursue arts. I will finish the writing tribute and painting and send them to you as soon as possible. Thanks! Take care. Shuli


Dear Nancy, Symi and Joe,
Thank you for today and the opportunity to feel a part of those honoring such a remarkable man and glorious artist.
His books make me feel I have a kindly companion and mentor on my artistic journey.


Dear rosemary family and dear Nancy,

Thank you for the event and it will change my life. Thank you for the sharing and inspiration and caring.



Hi, my name is Roberto Prestigiacomo. I am an amateur artist who lives in Italy and who has always had a considerable attraction for the works and teachings of the master Richard Schmid.

The first time I saw one of his works on the cover of an American art magazine in 2003, I was struck, dazzled, I ordered his book online and for the first time I glimpsed a high road from afar, a path to follow to find my essence. With the smile, the joy and the curiosity of a child, I continue to walk through it even today.

All my gratitude in this small portrait that I have attached to this email, "The sea, when it wants, is generous.”

I will never forget you, Richard Schmid.

Roberto Prestigiacomo


Hi, Nancy – I had always hoped to meet Richard in person, but through his books and videos I almost feel like I have.  His heart, soul, passion, humor and love were all readily apparent in everything he did.
I live in San Marcos, California, quite near San Diego.  Thank you for including me in your extended family!
Best regards, Dean



Since 2008 I have been teaching oil painting classes at the Art Center of the Capital Region (in Troy, New York) and Richard’s teachings, his books, and the recordings of his demonstrations, have strongly guided my classroom methods and practices  to this day.  THE COLOR CHARTS!  Oh those COLOR CHARTS! 

Now I find myself quoting Richard constantly, I hear his voice while struggling with a difficult part of an image in my own painting.  What a profound impact he has made on my work- - on my life.  I don’t believe he ever really knew how many lives he touched in this same way.
Now you do.

Richard Schmid was and still is my greatest mentor.  Not only in my own work but in my teaching of others who strive to “paint in the pursuit of beauty”.


    Dear Nancy,

    During the weekend chats “Remembering Richard” I did not have a chance to speak to you directly because my connection was off and on during the whole presentation I missed major portions because of this.   This is what I would have told you: While living in Portland, Maine, I worked as the director of a gallery in the Old Port.  I had the opportunity to meet and show the work of Thomas Buechner, former Director of the Brooklyn Museum and Corning Glass Museum.  When I moved to upstate New York in 2001 I had the opportunity to start taking workshops with Tom in his Corning, New York Studio.  It was from Tom that I first heard of Richard Schmid.  He quoted and referenced Richard’s work constantly.  It was the first time anyone had told me about Richard and his teachings.  Since Tom made his library open to all his students I quickly found Richard’s books and understood immediately why Richard was such an important influence in Tom’s work.  

    Since 2008 I have been teaching oil painting classes at the Art Center of the Capital Region (in Troy, New York) and Richard’s teachings, his books, and the recordings of his demonstrations, have strongly guided my classroom methods and practices  to this day.  THE COLOR CHARTS!  Oh those COLOR CHARTS! 

    I have all my Beginning Painting students start with making their own.  While they resist at first, they find they are a most effective way to learn about color and also perfect the use of the palette knife.  

    Now I find myself quoting Richard constantly, I hear his voice while struggling with a difficult part of an image in my own painting.  What a profound impact he has made on my work- - on my life.  I don’t believe he ever really knew how many lives he touched in this same way. Now you do. Below is a painting I am still working on.  It’s a story of light and shadow and in the action of painting it, a story about patience and perseverance.  It fits what Daniel was saying over the weekend about Richard, that “he painted in pursuit of beauty...and that was enough.”  Richard gave us permission to continue this mission, because beauty enough. Thank you Nancy for organizing this tribute to Richard and for the beauty you offer the world in your own work.  Thank you, thank you. I hope to meet you some day and work in Putney Painters Studio again in Vermont. 

    Wishing you all the best, Deborah

    Richard Schmid was and still is my greatest mentor.  Not only in my own work but in my teaching of others who strive to “paint in the pursuit of beauty”.

LIAM BROWN - Ireland

My name is Liam and I'm a 24 year old painter from Ireland. After the sudden passing of my dad, I started painting in April as a outlet for my creativity and spirituality. I searched my mam's art books and found a gem - Alla Prima. Although I never met Richard, and I didn't know of him until after he passed, Richard has been a guide to me through my painting journey. He has taught me so much more about painting than I ever knew there was to learn. One of the most valuable things that Richard has taught me is to set an intention before I start to paint - that keeps me focused and means I learn from and enjoy each painting.

  • LIAM BROWN - Ireland

    Hi Nancy,

    My name is Liam and I'm a 24 year old painter from Ireland. After the sudden passing of my dad, I started painting in April as a outlet for my creativity and spirituality. I searched my mam's art books and found a gem - Alla Prima. Although I never met Richard, and I didn't know of him until after he passed, Richard has been a guide to me through my painting journey. He has taught me so much more about painting than I ever knew there was to learn. One of the most valuable things that Richard has taught me is to set an intention before I start to paint - that keeps me focused and means I learn from and enjoy each painting.

    Richard's personality came through the page, and I feel as though I know him. Strangely, I hadn't heard Richard's voice until recently when I watched an interview you and Richard did with Michelle Dunaway. His voice sounded exactly as I had imagined it in my mind while reading.

    Remembering Richard and sending my love to you and your family and friends, and feeling Richard's impact and guidance in my life each day.

    Kindest regards,



Thank you very much for the great moment and the special organización to celebrate a great artist.

I have been painting for around 4 years and everyday try to learn as much as I can and this include about Richard Schmid. When the pandemic start, I was watching teaching videos and I found him. I will not stop to learn and read Richard’s books as much as I can.


    Nancy and Symi

    Thank you very much for the great moment and the special organización to celebrate a great artist.

    I have been painting for around 4 years and everyday try to learn as much as I can and this include about Richard Schmid. When the pandemic start, I was watching teaching videos and I found him. I will not stop to learn and read Richard’s books as much as I can.

    I have been at list watching this Saturday around 15 hours and try until the end. Big hug for all of you and again thank you.

    This is the painting that I did today , something new for me but I try.

    God bless you !!! Luz Elena Fernández


My dear Symi, What an amazing event… so much sharing of love…

Sherry West said it all for us who have never met Richard or Nancy, but have been so touched and influenced by his wonderful books ( of which you were able to bring Two back with you for me!) and his dvds

What a wonderful wonderful thing you and Joe and Nancy and your Mum, and all your amazing team have been able to do, by bringing so many many wonderful people together and to hear so many wonderful stories and so so much love. Xxx xxx Liz


    My dear Symi

    What an amazing event… so much sharing of love.

    I joined you about 7 this morning and have been able to drop in and out over the day.

    I feel so lucky to have been able to listen to so many wonderful stories.

    Sherry West said it all for us who have never met Richard or Nancy, but have been so touched and influenced by his wonderful books ( of which you were able to bring Two back with you for me!) and his dvds

    What a wonderful wonderful thing you and Joe and Nancy and your Mum, and all your amazing team have been able to do, by bringing so many many wonderful people together and to hear so many wonderful stories and so so much love

    Xxx xxx Liz


First let me say how much I appreciate Richard's Alla Prima II book which I read from front to back last year during Covid quarantine. And THANK YOU for your incredible zoom tribute to him. You not only honored him but also gifted us listeners with many wonderful inspirations and insights for our future painting.

Here is what I did last weekend based on a photograph I took a while ago at the Caldwell Lily Pond in Chicago's Lincoln Park. Chicago has been my home town the past 47 years. I didn't begin painting until I retired five years ago; but it has enriched my life greatly.

Warmly, Pam Breitberg.


I have not met Richard but his influence is so important to me. I met Nancy at Tucson Art Academy. She was warm, generous and made me feel so comfortable. I had tried to use one of her paintings to learn from. In my copying, I just changed some flowers so it was not an exact copy. She encouraged me, and signed my copy of the Show at Tucson Art Academy. I have the Alla Prima book and did the color charts. What an amazing lesson.

I shall just keep painting. It brings me JOY!

This tribute to Richard is amazing!

STUDY gouache, 8x10


Please allow me to express my sympathy to you, Richard's entire family, his friends and fellow artists. He is already missed terribly. Hearing yesterday's comments on Zoom were so heartwarming! What a treasured way to commemorate his being! Thank you for hosting the paint-along event for all of us.

Over fifty years of being a hobby-level painter, I have purchased a good number of books with the illustrations of various artists whose paintings I admire. One of the best books of all that I purchased was "Alla Prima". Not only did it have marvelous examples of Richard's paintings, it also provided me with a glimpse into the work routine and techniques that brought so much to his paintings. Invaluable, too, was the simple inspiration it gave me to not lose hope when the painting…



    Please allow me to express my sympathy to you, Richard's entire family, his friends and fellow artists. He is already missed terribly. Hearing yesterday's comments on Zoom were so heartwarming! What a treasured way to commemorate his being! Thank you for hosting the paint-along event for all of us.

    Over fifty years of being a hobby-level painter, I have purchased a good number of books with the illustrations of various artists whose paintings I admire. One of the best books of all that I purchased was "Alla Prima". Not only did it have marvelous examples of Richard's paintings, it also provided me with a glimpse into the work routine and techniques that brought so much to his paintings. Invaluable, too, was the simple inspiration it gave me to not lose hope when the painting I completed did not meet what my mind's eye envisioned. I just have to keep practicing and learning!

    I am enclosing a photo of the painting I did yesterday afternoon for the paint-along. It is a gouache "study" on 8x10 canvas panel. I plan on attempting the scene in oil on a larger canvas. Also, I am sending along my "selfie" photo as suggested.

    Thank you, so very much, for hosting the event to honor Richard. What a tremendous way for all of us to grasp for even more memories of an artist who inspired so many!

    Chris Book


Hello! What a most beautiful tribute to Richard this weekend. I never met him but wish I had. An instructor I have on and off at the Providence Art Club said to me recently to put my paint down like Richard Schmid. I had no idea what he meant so I looked up Richard. I was immediately fascinated! I watched some videos on YouTube with him and Nancy, a few short demos, some interviews. I bought his Alla Prima II book and am studying from it. His work, book, and style resonates the most with me than any other artist so far.  I would love to purchase his videos from the website to study from, so I’m looking forward to when they’re available again. Thank you for this opportunity to share my painting.

My best to you all!



I knew Richard through his videos and books. I think he was like everyone says the most generous teacher. Everyone knows what a fan I am of his. One day while my son, who was doing his residency at Boston Medical Center while walking home, calls me up and says I think I see Richard Schmid in a restaurant window surrounded by lots of artists. I hear Richard’s voice of encouragement to keep going, what a privilege it is to be alive and see beauty and get to do what we do every day.

So sorry for your loss,





Hi, here are a couple of pastel paintings I recently created. I throughly enjoyed the two day event and appreciate everyone’s efforts to include so many of us in the tribute to such a wonderful person and artist. My treasured book “Alla Prima” was a gift from one of my adult painting students who thanked me for making him aware of Richard. I continue to share Richard’s beautiful work with my students and love learning more about some of his history with the Palette and Chisel which is a wonderful place to this day!

MOTHER’S JEWELRY oil, 11 x 14


Hi, my name in be included. I finished this on October 3 during the artist still-life demonstration. I was so inspired! These are pieces of jewelry that my sister and inherited this year in May when our mother, age 97 passed away. It's one of three canvasses I have planned in a series about memories.


Hi Nancy, Kristen, Symi and Joe,Thank you ever so much for two ecstatic wonderful days celebrating Richard with all the artists. He touched all of our creative lives immensely. My 89 year young sweetheart passed last March and getting back to painting has helped heal my heart.
Your weekend gathering especially helped me feel more connected to the art community. On Oct. 2 I was working on a commissioned painting with my Rosemary Brushes and I’ll be ordering some more brushes soon!! Many blessings to all of you and those who supported you behind the scenes.
Delightfully, Diana Crow.



Hi Nancy !! my name is Giacomo Roberto and I live in Pisa, Italy We don't know each other, but I wanted to thank you for what you did on Saturday and Sunday. It was all very beautiful.

Richard has been very helpful in my work and he still is thanks to his videos, his books and all of you. This is my weekend job, it's a very simple thing.

Thank you with all my heart. a strong hug ! See you soon.
Giacomo -



It was a wonderful celebration for Richard Schmid.

Thank you, thank you!



This is the piece I painted during the paintathon.

Thank you so very much for the tribute to Richard. It was so absolutely well done and it warmed my heart to see and hear so many stories about him from all around the world!

Warmest regards, best wishes, and much love,

Shawn Kelley @smkelleystudio - FB, IG, Twitter


Here is my painting, my expression of my great love for Richard Schmid, perhaps the greatest artist of my lifetime.

My deepest sympathies for his wife, the lovely, and great artist, too, Nancy Guzik.

Thanks to all who had the great idea of doing this tribute marathon. It was so appropriate. I will never forget it.

Warm regards,



…As a brand new painter, I discovered Richard Schmid in 2002 and was immediately attracted to the way he painted. I was particularly amazed to learn that you could create a painting from life in three hours instead of the thirty or more hours I was spending on very small works. This was life changing for me; I could learn ten times as much in one tenth of the time!

My initial feeling about painting was that it was so tedious. Richard changed that for me and I came to love his mind and his generosity every bit as much as his incredible work. I have bought all of his books and videos and have traveled to shows such as “Richard Schmid and His Influence” at the Salmagundi Club when possible. This has been the foundation of my art education and, as I have told Richard several times over the years, he truly did save my artistic life.

I miss Richard a great deal but he will always be with me and I am so grateful to him.


    I am so sorry that I will be away and will not be able to paint with you on Oct. 2. However, I wrote this to describe at least a part of my relationship with Richard. I have also attached a photo of a recent painting I did of Putney, our 15 year old Cocker Spaniel. I wish everyone a wonderful day of art and joy.


    As a brand new painter, I discovered Richard Schmid in 2002 and was immediately attracted to the way he painted. I was particularly amazed to learn that you could create a painting from life in three hours instead of the thirty or more hours I was spending on very small works. This was life changing for me; I could learn ten times as much in one tenth of the time!

    The next year, I asked my wife if she would like to go to an “art show” with me. When she said yes, I told her to take a week off of work because I had tickets and we were driving from our home in Fredericton, NB, Canada to Youngstown, Ohio. Richard’s retrospective was coming up at the Butler Institute of American Art—complete with a talk about his work—and I could not miss that.

    Waiting in the theatre at the Butler for Richard to begin, I thought I should excuse myself to visit the mens’ room before things got started. I went upstairs to a large empty room and there was Richard, sitting all by himself while awaiting his cue. I wanted to say hello but suddenly felt that I had a golf ball stuck in my throat and I just nodded as I walked by. Holy crap, I thought! Five years later, I told Richard about this and, as many of you know, Richard does not enjoy adulation or “hero worship”…but he did smile a bit for me.

    My initial feeling about painting was that it was so tedious. Richard changed that for me and I came to love his mind and his generosity every bit as much as his incredible work. I have bought all of his books and videos and have traveled to shows such as “Richard Schmid and His Influence” at the Salmagundi Club when possible. This has been the foundation of my art education and, as I have told Richard several times over the years, he truly did save my artistic life.

    I generally paint landscapes and I am certainly not a portrait painter but I want to attach a recently completed work that has special meaning for me. Putney is our 15 year old chocolate brown cocker spaniel and he is a sweetie. He joined our family in 2006 just as I had been accepted into my very first workshop in Putney, Vermont, scheduled a full year later. Albert Handell was teaching and, with Richard, both painted demos on the final day. Needless to say, Putney is a very special place to me and I treasure the brief moments I have had with Richard…and Nancy, I might add!

    I miss Richard a great deal but he will always be with me and I am so grateful to him.



Here is my working progress today.

Richard's book changed everything for me.

He was so generous to share so much.



Alexey has been a huge influence on my work as well. Thank you for this homage!.


Dear Nancy Guzik and Family of Richard Schmid,

What and absolute honor to be able to join the worldwide tribute to Richard Schmid!

My son, Logan, was the first to teach me the true meaning of art as language. It was our first language, as Logan had no expressive speech until he was around five years of age.

Richard Schmid was the one to teach me how to explore and express the language of painting. I will forever be in gratitude to Richard for so generously sharing his gifts of knowledge, art, beauty, and the art life.

I have no doubt that Logan and Richard would have been great friends, because they share the love of art and a steadfast commitment to sharing love and friendship.

Richard’s impact and legacy is far reaching, even to our small town in North Carolina!

Blessings and Love, Janice and Logan Rash



I never had the privilege of meeting him but when I discovered his work many years ago, I became set on trying to learn as much as possible and follow his example. I have his small tape “the secret squint”, one of his first floral still life demos done at the palette and chisel a most of his books. I’m so grateful to him and my first teacher in Houston for giving me the passion and love of painting and hope to continue until I leave this earth.
I now teach myself and Richard’s books are top of the list when trying to convey ideas and just sharing the joy of painting to others. God Bless you all, Judy Crowe, Bluff Dale, Tx


    Nancy, family and all that helped with this weekend, Thank you so very much for your efforts. Thank you for making this work and for sharing so much information freely.

    I painted pansies yesterday in honor of Mr. Richard Schmid. I love flowers and florals and always loved the way he painted them, pansies in particular. I believe I read somewhere that you could almost use paint in full chroma right out of the tube when painting pansies.

    I never had the privilege of meeting him but when I discovered his work many years ago, I became set on trying to learn as much as possible and follow his example. I have his small tape “the secret squint”, one of his first floral still life demos done at the palette and chisel a most of his books. I’m so grateful to him and my first teacher in Houston for giving me the passion and love of painting and hope to continue until I leave this earth.

    I now teach myself and Richard’s books are top of the list when trying to convey ideas and just sharing the joy of painting to others.

    God Bless you all, Judy Crowe, Bluff Dale, Tx


Thank you for putting this event together. I have been on since 7am eastern time and I painted a version of Richard's Lilies that is on page 158 of Alla Prima II.

I hope you enjoy my version as much as I enjoyed doing it. Richard is a major inspiration for me.

I have also painted along with Richard on 1 of Richard's Landscape videos.


Jeff Boring.

NANCY - Niagara

Thank you very much for the most wonderful weekend celebrating Richard Schmid.

I live in Niagara on the lake, Ontario and I started painting in 2017. I started taking lessons at our local art centre with one particular artist and she referenced Richard Schmid often. After absorbing as much as I could in the classes, I finally looked Richard Schmid up and accessed his book. I can still visualize when I first starting turning the pages and reading his words. It was like being in the room with him and feeling like he really cared about my success as an artist! I couldn’t believe how much information was being shared for me to follow! Such a generous and funny man. I have continued to paint and been fortunate to find my passion. I am part of our local art collective and have sold many paintings. No doubt, partly because of my introduction to Richard Schmid and his encouragement in Alla Prima II.

  • NANCY - Niagara

    Dear Nancy and family and friends,

    Thank you very much for the most wonderful weekend celebrating Richard Schmid.

    I live in Niagara on the lake, Ontario and I started painting in 2017. I started taking lessons at our local art centre with one particular artist and she referenced Richard Schmid often. After absorbing as much as I could in the classes, I finally looked Richard Schmid up and accessed his book. I can still visualize when I first starting turning the pages and reading his words. It was like being in the room with him and feeling like he really cared about my success as an artist! I couldn’t believe how much information was being shared for me to follow! Such a generous and funny man. I have continued to paint and been fortunate to find my passion. I am part of our local art collective and have sold many paintings. No doubt, partly because of my introduction to Richard Schmid and his encouragement in Alla Prima II.

    Thank you very much for sharing with us and paying tribute to such a wonderful and talented man this weekend. It was so awesome and so emotional. The amazing and indescribable memories that were shared were so incredible. Watching so many talented artists paint was such a gift.

    Your heart must hurt from missing the love of your life. Congratulations on a successful weekend of carrying on his legacy with so many people. I can confirm his inspiration is alive and well within my soul.

    Best regards,



LYN LEINE - Australia

What a wonderful tribute to Richard. I was in awe just to listen in, but decided to honour him by painting as I listened. Many of the gems I have read in Alla Prima 11 spoke to me as i put tone and colour to pastel paper. And though I am far from an artist I do love to create and l feel I knew Richard, as he speaks through his books and the few times I had seen him on video. i considered him along with a handful of artists a real Master of his craft and when I heard the many stories it illuminated his gentle giving soul.

Thank you to all those who put this together I feel so grateful that I was able to listen in, and I think this was one of the loveliest ways to honour someone that I have ever seen. What a tribute, and you were all so brave to do it.

  • LYN LEINE - Australia

    Dear Nancy,What a wonderful tribute to Richard. I was in awe just to listen in, but decided to honour him by painting as I listened. Many of the gems I have read in Alla Prima 11 spoke to me as i put tone and colour to pastel paper. And though I am far from an artist I do love to create and l feel I knew Richard, as he speaks through his books and the few times I had seen him on video. i considered him along with a handful of artists a real Master of his craft and when I heard the many stories it illuminated his gentle giving soul.Thank you to all those who put this together I feel so grateful that I was able to listen in, and I think this was one of the loveliest ways to honour someone that I have ever seen. What a tribute, and you were all so brave to do it.

    The painting i did was of our little dog Charlie, I had been meaning to paint this for a while but could only do it from a photo, she doesn't stay still for very long.

    Thanking you all. My prayers are for his legacy to live on in generations to come.Blessings, Lyn Leine - Mount Martha, Australia


Hi To All:

Loved doing the paint-a-thon and hearing all the stories about Richard.

I only know him through his book Alla Prima, but he does shine through!

I am always blown away by his clear clean colours. I think it may have been because of the way he sees the world... full of beauty, freshness, and grateful to be alive. Thank you so much for sharing this. Here is my painting…

Lady Bugyra 


Thank you so much for letting us watch this wonderful video. I am only half way through. God bless you Nancy and Symi Jackson.

Renuka Pillai 

I took this picture with Richard at the Fine Arts Invitational in Dana Point CA

My name is Renuka Pillai and I love his work


In November 2014, at a book signing in Boston, I was honored to meet my art hero Richard.  He was so kind and humble.  Reading Alla Prima was like having a master sitting by my side, and calmly guiding me through the artistic process. Richard's selfless gift of knowledge helped to bring clarity to many concepts that had previously baffled me. I wanted to thank Richard, Nancy, his family and many friends. You have touched my small corner of the world and helped me to grow as an artist. 

Thank you,

Lora Banks


Hi Nancy,

Thank you for your generosity in sharing and allowing us to participate in the 2 day celebration of Richard Schmid’s life and art. I admire his work as an artist and appreciate his guiding influence on so many great contemporary painters.


Najila Emadi


Dear Nancy and Symi, 

I didn't reply to say "thank you" because I assume this is an automated email. However, because you have taught me that what we say and think and do matters so much in every small detail (even if not seen or heard by anyone), I wanted to thank you so sincerely, and profoundly, for what you have given us all, and send Faith, Hope, and Blessings to all those who participated and listened. This is such an incredible gift you have given us.  I am so sorry for your loss of Richard. I am so happy for you that you shared in his life, and he in yours'. Thank you so much for sharing this understanding of who he was, who you are, and what your lives are like and have been. We never would have known otherwise unless we had seen this.  We never would have been able to imagine all these wonderful other artists touched by Nancy and Richard and understood how you all interacted and influenced each other. From the outside (not meaning that in any negative way) we only see a bit of each goodness in each artist so touched by Nancy and Richard with wonder and awe.  The interconnectedness, and the reason for this interconnectedness, really help in my life.  Thank you -- please take care. 


This weekend is my brother’s Celebration of Life in Fredericksburg Texas…covid concerns prevented me from flying from here in California….thrilled when a good friend told me about this weekend’s event. Right now it is too difficult to listen ….but I will return tomorrow….I attended California Art Institute in Westlake Village where the instructors, such as Ryan Wurmser, Glenn Orbik, Jeremy Lipking, Johanna Spinks and others were devotees of Richard….I have my well used copy of Richards book….I was so touched by him through his work and his books and the love and admiration my instructors had for him…I was one of the thousands who sent a card celebrating Richards 90th birthday….I will be with you all later and tomorrow. Thank you .L. Anne Mainieri


Good Morning from Madison Wisconsin!
Nancy you and your angels produced such a wonderful memorial for Richard. I think it was world changing in the beautiful energy put into the atmosphere. Thank you for that. I’m sure there will be a few days, weeks or months of you bathing in that energy as well as a let down now that the event is over. I hope you can sustain yourself with the love coming to you from all over the world. 
I plan to order a few books. There was lots of talk about the new book coming out. Can I ask what is it. Is it Alla Prima III? Or something totally different? I will need to work out a budget for the books I buy. Just need a little description of the soon to be published book. 
Thank you! God Speed❣️

Marla - Marla J. Brenner -

“Always remember dear friend, that seen from a certain point of view,
everything is miraculous, and it is everywhere.” RS